Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Some of you east coast people are probably past presents and almost onto food. Let's post comments of our favorite gifts... we haven't done gifts yet so I'll chime in later.

Monday, December 24, 2007

the price is wrong bitch

well along with the joys of the holidays comes the boredom of day-time tv. there used to be beacon of light among the rest of tv-land trash and that show was the price is right. it was your favorite and mine and was an easy way to waste an hour. now, however, drew carey is hosting this once great show and he has completely ruined it. he has absolutely no ability to fill in the time between activity (be it choosing a price, or talking to contestants). he delivers every line in the exact same tone, and doesn't seem to feed off the excitement of the crowd at all. i know bob is like 195, but can't we put another coat of paint on him and bring him back?? please!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Moment of Truth

This should be my last homebrew post, I promise... unless I start kegging. Pictured above is my first poured homebrew beer. As you can see, it's color is nearly identical to Newcastle and it has a nice head. It tastes a lot like Newcastle, except it has a slightly hoppier smell and taste. It also has a noticeably higher alcohol content. If you're in town, come by and try it after Christmas!


Anyone ever had "water on the knee"?
If so, does it hurt when they drain it?
I'm so scared... =(

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Last minute gift idea

I thought that some of you guys might need an idea for a last minute gift.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Finally I can relax!

My first semester as a grad student is officially over, and I currently hold a 3.40 (an A and 2 B's). I must say I had hoped for better, because it was within reach until the end. But ehh, what can you do... I'm still proud of me :o)

P.S. I've applied for a GA position which would span the next 2 semesters in the Sport and Field department. No clue what the job would entail at this point, my advisor just asked if I'd be interested and proceeded to submit my app. So anyway I'll let you know if anything happens there... just keep your fingers crossed for me that I might soon get the crap out of retail. I'm out for X-mas Eve (work - of course), but I'll see most of you guys the 28th if not before. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A day that will live in infamy

I want to announce to the world that I am now the proud owner of a Wii. That is sitting on the kitchen table just waiting to be unwrapped. Taunting me with its shiny red wrapping paper, that glistens when the light strikes its reflective surface. Peppermint ribbon locking away its hidden treasure, until gathered around the tree, I tear into it, releasing its wonder. Why couldn't Jesus have been 6 days premature, it probably wouldn't have affected him too bad, omnipotence and all. December 25th how you mock me with your distance, sacrifices were made upon the mecca of magic that is Toy's R Us, kids were crying because their moms did not love them enough to bring home the prize.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Annual DiVincenzo Christmas Party

Just a reminder as usual we will be having our annual Christmas Eve party. Party starts at 1 ish, so stop on by and join in the festivities. As usual we will have massive amounts of food and drink and the master pusher of food (my dad) will be there in full force. I look forward to seeing everybody.

PS I fly in on Friday the 21st, so if you will be in town let me know. Enjoy the holiday season everybody!!

Monday, December 17, 2007

PSP Games

I've got a friend who wants to buy a PSP game as an xmas gift, any ideas of what is good?

Bowl Mania

College football Pick em on ESPN. Join up boys or girls and lets see what you are made of. Just type in Bowl Mania in ESPN and go from there.

Group: Pick Em' if you can

Password: football

Saturday, December 15, 2007

First the Mitchell Report, now this

On December 11th the US Congress introduced a bill to the floor for consideration. The bill was to recognizing the importance of Christmas and Christianity. 9 Democrats voted against this resolution. And it gets even better, all of these 9 people voted to recognize the importance of Ramadan. I mean come on. One of the 9 is Alcee Hastings. Some may know him as an African-American Congressman from Altamont Springs Florida and others may remember him as the most recent federally appointed Judge to impeached and removed from office, if you care he was impeached for accepting $150,000 bride for a lenient sentence. This is ridiculous. I am also disgusted at the number of republicans and democrats who voted present, just a cop out. I hate people.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Mitchell Report

Anyone have any comments on the release of this report?  There are some big names in here, the likes of Bonds, Clemens, Pettitte, Tejada, Giambi, Sheffield, Gagne, LoDuca, Matthews Jr, Glaus, Vaughn, Knoblauch, Justice, ... the list goes on, even as far back as Lenny Dykstra.  The Clemens piece is especially damning, it's about 5 pages long, and goes into quite a bit of detail.

Click here to download the report.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


I'm down in Bradenton this week, so give me a call if you're in town.

Also, I am curious if those of you who live aboard are planning to move back or are contemplating moving back to the greater Bradenton area. I am obviously thinking hard about it, so I was curious what everyone else was thinking.

Bottling Day

It's been 10 days since my first homebrew post, and today was bottling day. My Dad did the capping while I filled the bottles. There's 46 of them in all, and they'll be ready Christmas day.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Christmas Lights Gone Wild

Jen and Jae, I'm expecting your house to look like this... =)

Friday, November 30, 2007

My First Homebrew

I've officially started my new hobby. The boil was last night, and if all goes well, I should have 5 gallons of beer (48+ bottles) just in time for Christmas/New Years. I'm expecting this to be something like Newcastle, so anyone who is able to drink a Newcastle without making a face is welcome to try it if you're in town for the holidays.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I am out till Dec 12th

Okay guys, I am out to Newport News Virginia till Dec 12th. I am working for the RNC as a Director of the Virginia First Congressional District Special Election Victory Program. Basically for the next 13/12 days I will be trying to get the vote out for this special election. I will have my blackberry so I am still available but I will probably be out of the loop till I am back in the city.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy Anniversary the J's

Day late, but whatev. Hope it was nice! Congrats!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

45-12=Tebow not taken down

Really no one posted yet. Must be stunned silence on the part of FSU fans, and UF fans aren't done with their party. Living in La means I am insulated from the craziness of a 33 point beat down. All I hear out here is LSU lost and I-10 is closed. I like the Kansas commercial, I bet everything they showed somehow relates to the study of corn and corn related subjects. The kansas coach looks like the fat hypnotist from office space, I bet he has bacon breaks.

Tebow for heisman, the guy from Hawaii wins the "I sneak into girls dorm rooms and my pants disappear award"®, McFadden wins the "my team is terrible, I took a 3 game vacation in the middle of the season, and I was robbed last year award"®, Chase Daniels wins the "we represent the Lollipop guild pass for 2 yards and let my receivers do the work award, plus Missouri is america's anus and I play here"®, and anyone else I missed who may rob Tebow of the heisman he so rightly deserves; I hope someday you murder your wife, get away with it, and then plan the worst robbery in history to try and steal it back, because that is what you are a wife murdering heisman thief.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

10 Year Anniversary

UF-FSU 1997. Probably the greatest game ever played int he Swamp. Enjoy....especially you Nick.


Happy Turkey Day!

It's not quite there yet here, but you East-coast folks are into your day of thanks... I'm thankful for my big-ass bird brining in the fridge and a 4 day weekend. What a great holiday. How about you?

Monday, November 19, 2007

UF vs. The other school

You want to get revved up Nick, here you go.

Spread: UF 13.5...boo yah.

Its gonna be a repeat of the last time you all came to the Swamp.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Heisman Votes

Now that Dixon is out of the Heisman race, I was just curious as to who everyone think should be the Heisman frontrunner.

For me, its definitely (and I know I'm biased) Tebow. His stats are ridiculous.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Official Thanksgiving Roll Call

Since everybody keeps asking who is doing what lets get this baby started. Everybody tell when/if you are coming home and how long your staying or any major plans you may have. And for the people who live in btown already (Mousseau's), feel free to participate so you do not feel left out.

My flight leaves JFK at 4:05 on Wednesday the 21st and I return to NYC on Monday. I will be looking to go out Wednesday fo sho and other then that I am not sure. I am undecided about the game on Saturday.

Nick to the D...out

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Happy 26th Birthday Eric and Josh!

You guys are getting too old too fast I can't keep up!

Eric - See you tonight, where the beer flows like wine :o)
Josh - Do it right down on the bayou, hope it's a good one!

For the GH3 fans...

I know for a fact, I will never be able to do this...ever. Completely ridiculous.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Big Football Weekend (Translated)

Well this weekend is full of big games for our teams. After this weekend our team rankings could be drastically different. Two of our teams are playing ranked road games while one is playing spurrier. This weekend will go a long way in determining whether our teams have a shot at titles and respectibility. Seminoles are going for their second straight road win over a top 12 team and needless to say I am excited as hell. Good luck to Auburn and the Gators this weekend. Oh yea and Go Browns (they are playing the hated Steelers, F them and their terrible towel). Here we go brownies, here we go, HOOO HOOO!

PS Come Sunday and maybe even Saturday this post will turn into some mad shit talking, none of this yeaa I hope all of our teams win crap. Which one of our schools will be the unlucky one to reach that magical four goal.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Big Football Weekend

Well this weekend is full of big games for our teams. After this weekend our team rankings could be drastically different. Two of our teams our playing ranked road games while one is playing spurrier. This weekend will go along way in determining whether our teams have a shot at titles and respectibility. Seminoles are going for there second straight road win over a top 12 team and needless to say I am exited as hell. Good luck to Auburn and the Gators this weekend. Oh yea and Go Browns (they are playing the hated Steelers, F them and their terrible towel). Here we go brownies, here we go, HOOO HOOO!

PS Come Sunday and maybe even Saturday this post will turn into some mad shit talking, none of this yeaa I hope all of our team wins crap. Which one of our schools will be the unlucky ones to reach that magical four goal.

Friday, November 02, 2007

For those of you missing Gator Growl

Our future president:

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player: $100, this Friday, Wal-Mart

Link - Great deal!  Maybe the start of a price war between HDDVD and BluRay?

Best 4 day stretch ever

Wed: Halloween party
Thurs: Buffett Concert
Fri: Gator Growl
Sat: Gator Game

Anyone else going to G-ville?

Monday, October 29, 2007

Ping Pong Shots

I would never play these guys in Beer Pong!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Football and Bryan

Well looks like UF and FSU are pretty similiar teams. If you could combine your offense and our defense we would be quite the team. Unfortunately we are both not bowl eligible yet. Watch this saturday when FSU upsets #2 BC and we jump back into the rankings. As a side note we will be at this game cheering on the Noles.

PS Happy Bday bud, see you in a couple of days!

Saturday, October 27, 2007


Since most of you have met or spent some time with him, I thought I should let you all know that my uncle Rick passed away yesterday afternoon. He had been terminally ill with brain cancer for some months, and despite the difficulty it really is for the best at this point. Also, Adam please thank your father for all the work he had done earlier on as well.

P.S. Happy Birthday Bryan, sorry to bring down the mood.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


I am sure UF is very proud.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Off to work again

I'm off to the Keys on the new boat until monday or tues. Whenever the bossman feels like coming home. We will be fishing for tuna, wahoo, dolphin (mahi), sailfish and there should be some marlin around too!

Don't worry, I wont miss the FL-GA game because we have satelite on the boat!

Have fun at your jobs and/or work.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Orange Box

Anyone playing it?  I just got it, looking for some Team Fortress 2 practice before throwing myself to the hardcore gamers.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


Well who would of thought a pussy 3rd base coach would change the face of the game. Ramirez would have had NO shot at throwing him out. Now grant it Boston has tacked on a few more but momentum is a funny thing. We have had our chances thats for sure but could not capitalize and Boston has thats the difference. I would say congrats and go AL, but that is not my style at all. God I hate Boston. Go Rockies!!!!....yes I am posting this before the end of the game.

PS Looks like me, my brother and my dad will be canceling the Airline Tickets and World Series game two tickets that we bought last week. Oh yes I was going to Thursday's game if we won. So you can imagine my dissapointment

Bowden's Moving?

http://sports.espn.go.com/ncf/news/story?id=3073221 ...So it begins again in Tallahassee.

On a side note, I am in no way whatsoever a Seminoles fan. In fact before I went to Florida I liked Miami, which added to my distain of the Noles. However, after what I witnessed this weekend regarding Miami fans, I couldn't help but want the Canes to lose. I've never meet a more obnoxious and ridiculous set of fans (wors than Noles, no disrespect fellas, haha). I probably witnessed about 7 fights at AJs on Friday night, all started by Miami trash who look like they have never set foot on a college campus. I really wish the Noles would have won, at least to get those pieces of shit out of town for the night.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

No Respect for the Left

As I was driving home from work last night around 9pm, I got stuck in gridlock traffic. Not a shock for DC or the surrounding area normally, but last night was different. I was stuck in traffic because of a protest. The World Bank is holding its annual meeting at its main offices here in DC and of course people are protesting. But last nights protest was not at the World Bank, it was in Georgetown. They were not protesting the University, just the area because it is a symbol of "excessive wealth and privilege." Protest all you want but be nice about it. One woman who was with friends having a good time was hit in the head with a brick, obviously no one was arrested. The freedom of speech is a very important right, but businesses should not have to close early to board up their store fronts for fear of vandalism. Obviously the city of DC will not do anything, they re-elected a mayor who was on camera doing coke and crack with a stripper and they continue to elect that same man as a City Commissioner event though he has been convicted of tax fraud multiple times and still has not paid his taxes this millennium.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Remember when Miami vs. FSU mattered?

My favorite quote - - - "...this is as low as it gets for the Miami-Florida State rivalry. Both teams are unranked, offensively challenged, and at the bottom of the ACC."

On a positive note, I've got my money on FSU.....

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Thoughts on Torre's decision to turn down $5 mil / 1 yr. with incentives? Good move if you ask me, that man is way too classy to take any more degrading bullcrap from that maniac. It will be interesting to see how the FA's react now that he's out as well... many have never played for another manager. Does anybody else think this is an astoundingly retarded move though? Seriously the guy brought as much good to the team as anyone in a ridiculous amount of years and they honestly think they'll be better off with someone else? Low blow to one of the greats, that's for sure. I must say however, with Torre gone there is officially nothing to like about the Yanks. Discuss baseball minders - all 5 of you... :o)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Go Bradenton

Look who made the DrudgeReport!


Sunday, October 14, 2007

I went alligator huntin'

I got to go hunting with Purdy and Jared. We got 10. The biggest was 10 foot 4 inches. Average size was about 7 foot! Lots of fun!

Friday, October 12, 2007


Man, you Noles sure have gotten quiet all of a sudden!

Seriously though, tough loss...two years in a row to Wake was unheard of. I hope you all start playing a little better so we can have a showdown in November, old school style. Of course with UF victorious.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Chigue's (Chris) Weekend

Here is what my brother is doing this weekend. Let me start off by giving some backround. Our good friend's the Nevels (Jae might be the only one to know them) used to live next door to us in the blue house before moving back up to Jersey. Anyway, they are from Jersey and Dick Vitale was Bobby's coach (he is our fathers age) so years go by and the Nevels move down to Lakewood ranch and Vitales daughter moves in next door. So they re-met a couple years ago and are now good friends.

Now my bro is going on Vitale's private jet tomorrow with Bobby and Eric (his son) to the ND v BC game. Both of Vitales daughters went there hence the trip. He is going to get to do all the pre-game stuff like the pep-rally then something involving a church and the players running out the day of the game not sure will have to get details after. He will more then likely get to go into the locker room then to watch the game will be up in one of the baller suites with all the big time Notre Dame Alum. Now some of us may not be big ND fans, but that is just awesome!!

My dad has said Vitale is just like he is on TV. So that is no act, he is loud and talks a ton in person just as he does on camera. In a further note I do not like my brother anymore...jerk.

PS I am a bit worried about tonights FSU game, I hate these short weeks we only had two real practices. GO NOLES!

Monday, October 08, 2007

Bring it on Sox

Well the Tribe reached the ALCS for the first time since 98 in grand fashion. Timely hitting and and good pitching won this one. The sox looked great, but you never know. I have faith in our pitching and hitting 100%. And around Wedn or so the whole city of NY will have my back as well. TRIBE PRIDE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLEVELAND ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Zinna) your my boy blue!


All that college football action and nobody has posted!? Man, you gators (mostly Rory) sure have gotten quiet all of a sudden! Here is a rundown from this last weekend, if you missed it...

1. FSU won - 4-1, ranked 21
2. Gators lost - 4-2, ranked 12, lost like I said they would, championship = bye bye birdie
3. USC lost, I knew this would happen eventually because they are overrated...just didn't think it would happen against Stanford...even sweeter.
4. ND won, didn't think that would happen for awhile, figured they would be 0-8
5. BC is undefeated and represents the only ACC team in the top 10. They have a cake schedule the next couple, but I don't look forward to playing them.
6. Tennessee DESTROYED UGA...didn't see that coming either.
7. USF continues to roll

Discuss bitches.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Manny is back, baby!

Strained oblique? I'd say that's not bothering him anymore. He hit that damn thing over the Mass Pike! Adam, could you hear the Fenway crowd explode from your place? I wouldn't be surprised.

Sox 2-0, Yanks 0-2... pitching and home field, it's a beautiful thing


What a freakin BOMB! That was the most hilarious pause of glory after a walk-off homer I've seen in a while. SO damn sweet... and yeah my Landshark is definitely kickin in, but I'm dtill a good drunk typer, yes? WOO HOO I love post season baseball!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

King James is a traitor!

Hey Nick, what's with your boy LeBron wearing a NY hat to the game in Cleveland? When asked, he claimed to be "a big Jeter fan." That's pretty shady for the so-called face of Cleveland sports, don't you think? Good thing the stupid Yanks collectively got their ass handed to them and their ace lit up. Go Tribe, fo' sho... at least for now :o)

And of course I have to plug the unreal pitcher that is Josh Beckett in the playoffs. Good as usual, but just a totally different guy in the post season. What a great performance, and 3rd shutout in the playoffs for his career thus far. Freaking sweet.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Human LCD - Amazing

Found this on Digg with the following description:

South korea: boys cheering for their soccer teams. the most amazing thing is that they do this with their CLOTHES (not holding up cards). they have a jacket that is one color on the back, one on the front, and that they can open or close to show a third color shirt on the inside. One school has also figured out how to use their pants to make shading.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Does anybody have $76

If you so you may want to loan it to the Gators starting safety so he can get his girlfriends car out the impound. Or maybe he can use it for bail. I am glad you guys did not run your mouths about the FSU guy, this is to funny.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

War Eagle

Let me just say, as a truly non-college football fan, that was a heck of a game. As I sat alone with the high-def, I couldn't think of a better way to spend a Sat. night. Sorry FSU, you all had an awesome win too but it just wasn't quite as exciting as the Auburn-UF game. God Bless football.

P.S. I hope I am the first to post on this...

Thursday, September 27, 2007


...I'll see you the playoffs my friend!

After being 14 1/2 games out of first place and, at one point, 8 games under .500, the Yanks are about to dominate the post-season. Now, I know your Indians are playing pretty solid ball right now, but you can't deny the dominance we have over you. 6-0 I believe!

But if the Yankees do lose to any team in the playoffs, I would rather it to the Indians. Screw Boston.


PS Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you Alex...Auburn sucks. haha!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Halo 3

Alright boys, let's hear it. Who has it, who is going to get it. For those that are members, I got mine for $10 below MSRP (49.99) at Costco. Sam's might have an equivalent deal.

Auburn Sucks.


Friday, September 21, 2007


I am posting this because I am sure everybody knows about the two FSU players arrested and suspended. This is incredibly dissapointing to me, not only because these two guys have never been in trouble, but also the negative attention it brings. Are game against Bama is HUGE for us, a victory would probably put us back in the rankings and gain back some respect. Now all that will be talked about is this shit. The whole week of and during the game this is what we will hear, it will take away from the lure of FSU vs Alabama. I could give a shit about Joe Surratt, he is a back up fullback who has been hurt and was hardly going to see the field this year. For Geno Hayes this is huge he was our best linebacker, even though we are stacked at this position beyond belief his leadership will be missed. Surratt is charged with a Felony so he is up sh*t crick, Geno got charged with a misdemeanor(sp) so he will be better off. Everybody loves ripping FSU, like this shit happens all the time. And no matter what Bobby or FSU decides to do with these players he will be criticized immensely. The spotlight is greater on Bobby and on us for our past indiscretions and for just being who we were during the 90's.

I am not defending there actions by any means, the police report describes the situation pretty vividly. I hope they get penalized appropriately, and damn them for doing this too us. That being said I wish them the best and if they return the field I will root for them full on. GO NOLES!!!!!!...Roll the Tide.

PS This really sucks, nothign makes me sickier then seeing this on front page ESPN. Be smart with your responses, I never go into a battle unarmed.

"chance favors the prepared mind"

Happy Birthday DINK!

How's it feel to be old as dirt like Alex and I?

Monday, September 17, 2007

One word...


its inevitable, discuss.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Blog Feature

Jae I noticed there is a check spelling tool when creating a post. However, when commenting on a post the feature is not available. Is there an option you can chose to make it available that way idiots like me have less spelling mistakes. Thanks.

Nick D...( The King Killa Big Wheela Cat Peela)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Dear Diary...Jackpot

For all you FSU fans out there. Peter Boulware is running for office as a REPUBLICAN. He is running for the State House of Representatives in the Tallahassee area, specifically in a seat that encompasses Leon and Jefferson Counties. I predict big things for this guy, not really but he is going at it for the next 15 months. The below is a link to a sports blog that covered it slightly. All I know is, if this brother gets elected in the State House, you might be calling him Congressman Boulware because the GOP has always wanted to get back Alan Boyd's seat. I would say we could use him on the GOP's Congressional Baseball Team, but since we have not lost in the last 7 years, I think we are fine.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

This is CRAP!!

I put out the American Flag today for 9-11. When I came home from work, there was a lady from the front office that told me I had to take it down. It was against policy to have a flag up. What kind of CRAP is this?!?!

Another one bites the dust

Yes gentlemen the time has come for another one of your dearest friends to get engaged. It happened a week or so ago but I just started classes again and moved into a new apartment so things have been totally crazy. I'm really sorry to have kept you all out of the loop but I didn't call my brother and sisters until my mom yelled at me too. =) No plans yet for a wedding date but it should be before I graduate from school in 2010. Anyway, hope everyone is as excited as I am. Take care. Oh, here is a pic of the ring. It is kind of crappy lighting but you get the idea.

mario level that plays itself

The Only Mario Level That Plays Itself - Watch more free videos

Sunday, September 09, 2007

College Football

God Bless College Football and meaningful saturdays spent at the bar. Also Boise State, Notre Dame, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio State can shut their Smelly Pirate Hooker mouths, due to the fact that all three looked like a Brownie Troop.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Behold! My new HDTV

It's a Panasonic 50" 1080p plasma. That's right, I said 1080p plasma. We bought it on Monday (Hooray for Labor Day sales!) and we just got to setting it up tonight because I needed some assistance moving our old 300lb tube tv upstairs. If anyone out there is still in the market, this one has my full recommendation; the picture is unbelievable.

Caltech basketball

I had two of those guys as students.

Happy B-day Real Deal

Happy B-day Beal, the big 26. I am sure Alex can give you a few pointers on how to survive old age. Have a good one bud.

Nick D....25

i guess it's up to me...

i was amazed it had been a whole day and no post had been made so i guess it's up to me...

fsu looked like poop monday, the o-line looked like a bunch of nancy boys. i won't say anything about the defense because i believe clemson's rbacks could make any defense look bad but wtf is up w/ the offense?

granted i only had 3 quarters saved on my dvr and i started feeling the momentum shift to fsu at the end of the 3rd, but i doubt it would have changed my overall opinion.

let the comments roll...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

ummm, wow.

Fake? Edited? Probably, but it looks pretty amazing. You be the judge.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

To all the Wii owners

Where are you guys? I'm looking for some challengers in Mario Strikers Charged and Madden '08! By the way, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption is out today, if you're interested.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The Duck Festival

Explore and enjoy all that Louisiana has to offer.

Also we will be back in FL for Labor day, we are planning a grilling session at Cristina's Beach House so if anyone is interested give me a call.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Funny Vid

If anybody here has any experience or exposure to online forums...you will definately enjoy this video...funny as hell.


Yes, yes I I did

Soooo... yeah, I got a tatoo... did it two weeks ago yesterday. I stalled on the posting of the pics because I was afraid of the backlash I'd get from y'all, but I finally caved because I'm just too damn proud of it. Don't necessarily know what I was thinking, but I definitely do not have any regrets whatsoever (if that makes sense). I'll tell you right now though, you guys have to at least give me credit on taking the pain like a champ (which I did), because it effin hurt like a son of a bitch. Well anyway, on with the show...

Oh and by the way...... GO SOX!!! :o)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Nadia's New APT

Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know that I have a new address. Yep, teacher raises finally kicked in and so I was FINALLY able to move into my own apartment! Just thought I'd share some pics with you. I still need more furniture but as you can see I have gained a couch, tv, and coffee table since the first picture. Anytime anyone is in town (which doesn't really happen much) the couch has a queen sleeper, so you're all more than welcome. I am still working on sharing my pics from my trip to Greece, Turkey, and Egypt with you guys...

Instant messengers

I haven't used an instant messenger program in years but I remember how convenient they used to be. So, I was curious if any if y'all still use them.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

BK's beach bash

Who all is going? I have the weekend off and I am thinking of heading back but I don't know yet...I need some convincing.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Vacation Details

Nick / Adam,
We arrive in New York (JFK) at 8:45AM on Saturday, Oct 13th.
We depart in Boston (BOS) at 3:30PM on Sunday, Oct 21st.

Nick, if there's no conflict, we're with you guys until mid-day monday, possibly tuesday morning. Adam, due to the proximity of my family, there's a bit more room for adjustment on visiting you. It really just depends on if you'd rather us stay during the week or the weekend. We could stay with you until Thursday and with my family for the weekend, or the other way around. It really doesn't make any difference to us. Let me know what you guys think.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Happy Birthday Dr. K!

Happy birthday buddy! I'll talk to you soon to see if we can hammer out this trip to NYC/Boston.

Feed the need

Since there's so much hdtv talk going on, I figured I'd let everyone know about http://www.antennaweb.org. This website will let you put in your address and find out exactly what kind of over-the-air digital television you can expect to receive. It takes into account terrain not just distance from transmitters.

Based on my address, it told me I should be able to get 10 channels just by putting up a small omni-directional antenna (yellow - uhf). So I borrowed a uhf antenna (read: indefinitely :)) from a co-worker and after figuring out how to get my tv to use the antenna tuner rather than the cable tuner, I was able to auto-detect 11 hdtv channels (all the network stations including 3 cbs channels and a couple spanish channel which might come in handy for soccer games). I didn't even have to take the antenna outside I was able to pick it up right in my living room.

I'm now chillin' out to high-def Jay Leno for free, check it out...

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Jae!

Finally 25...you now have nothing else to look forward to.

Trip to the Northeast

Nick / Adam,

Would you be able to put us up for for about 3 days each around mid-late October? Christina and I would like to take a vacation to visit you guys, my family, and soak up some nice NE fall weather. Let me know if you have any date conflicts or if it will be a huge issue altogether, and if not, I'll get back to you once we have specific dates and plans.

Monday, August 06, 2007

More TV questions

I am planning on buying a new TV this week and I am having trouble deciding. I have narrowed it down to an LCD (about 46") or a DLP with LED technology (about 50"). Both are 1080p capable. I am probably leaning toward the LCD because I think that it is newer technology and won't be out dated as quickly and it can be mounted on a wall if I choose to do so in the future. I also would not have to worry about the screen becoming dimmer as I move to the sides of the TV, but it can pixelate a bit with fast movement. However, the DLP is cheaper and the LED eliminates the annoying color wheel humming noise. Both TVs seem to have very nice pictures. Money is not a big issue since I have a generous mother that wants to help me buy it as a birthday gift. I just want a good HD capable TV that will work well with the Xbox.

I know that several of y'all like plasmas but I would prefer to avoid them because of stories I heard about problems they can have.

Also if any one knows more about the new DLPs with LED engines and if it has had any issues, please let me know.

Any advise would be appreciated!

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Lucky Me

My xbox 360 wireless adapter that I ordered off ebay arrived in the mail yesterday and to my surprise there were actually two adapters inside. I don't know exactly what happened but I'm not about to write the seller and ask. Both have been tested on a friends 360 (since mine is off for repairs) and both work great. I'm gonna sell one of them back on ebay with no reserve and no shipping to recoup some of the expense of the first one. Could this be Bill Gates way of saying sorry for selling you a broken console? He does control the universe you know.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Xbox 360 failure

My 360 has gone to the crapper. It is experiencing the "Three red lights of death" as described in the link in the title...

For those of you who don't know, Xbox 360s have some fundamental design flaw that causes a large number of them (rumored to be every single one of them) to fail. Microsoft has really stepped up to the plate, however, by extending the warranty by 3 years on all 360s.

I guess I am lucky in that mine failed when it did, hopefully I can get it repaired and back before Halo 3 & GTA 4 come out.

So I called up customer support and you know right off the bat that this is a huge problem because they have already worked the 'three-flashing-red-lights' problem into their automated messages. After waiting on hold for 30 minutes, I got through to an agent who helped me arrange for my prepaid shipping box to send my 360 out for repair or replacement. ETA on the shipping box is 3-5 days. I read online that some people got their box overnighted, we'll see I guess... ETA on the repair is 3-4 weeks (Yikes). I guess this gives me an opportunity to catch up on some house projects.

For my troubles, Microsoft is giving me a free 30 days of xbox live (a whopping $5 value). I guess they are hemorrhaging too much money on the shipping for all these defective consoles. Not to mention they lose money up front on every console they sell.

Believe it or not, this has not turned me off from the 360 nor Microsoft. I think they're really making of effort to correct their mistake. And I'm still over-all very impressed w/ the 360. After working in hi-speed circuit design now it's a no wonder they didn't get everything exactly right on the first try, that shit is tough :).

Monday, July 23, 2007

Btown and the mob

Check the link. Watch out down there Mousseau's. The New York mob may be paying a visit to ya'll. If you catch any heat just drop my name, you will be good.

Nick D

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Show me the money!!

So as many of you know, I have spent the last year kicking-ass at my job at Capital Markets, and it finally paid off. Anyway, I had my 1 year review last week and it went exactly like I wanted it. I got top marks across the board and a ridiculous 20% bump in my salary! Just figured I'd share because I'm super excited. Oh, and I also started trading, so I'm officially a securities trader now!

PS. I'm hoping to get some pics of the office soon, just to show you all where I work.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

This has got "bad idea" written all over it

Pic of my next-door neighbor & his son.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Brew Sack Legal Defense Fund

Check out the link. I used to send her more than 500 e-mails during my last job. And just to clarify, nothing I sent was at all related to what she testified about. But none-the-less in the near future I might be asking for donations to my Legal Defense Fund, Rory graduate law school very very quickly.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

So I Installed Vista Yesterday...

I installed Vista yesterday, and I was wondering if anyone else had it installed and what they thought about it. I really like it, I think it's a nice upgrade from XP. It's not as much of a memory hog as I've heard, it looks great, and everything runs very smoothly. The new sidebar, photo gallery, dvd maker and upgraded media center are great and immediately usable to me. I haven't had any problem installing any of my old programs with the exception of Nero 7, which doesn't support Vista (but I can write dvd's from Vista now anyway). My only beef as of now is that it doesn't seem to let you run unsigned (or unapproved I guess) programs at startup. I have a feeling there's a setting somewhere to change that, but I haven't found it. So for now I have to tell it to start the one program that doesn't at startup. Anyway, let me know what you guys think.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hippies - I hate them so much

God damn hippies are killing our society. I blame Al Gore and all those people who think ethanol is good. They are killing America.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. We grilled some burgers and brats with the family and watched the fireworks at Heritage Harbour, a good time was had by all. Earlier today Christina and I went to see Transformers, and I must say the special effects far surpass anything else that has ever been done, and it was a good movie to boot. I highly suggest that all of you see it in the theaters asap. I've included a video of the last few minutes of our fireworks, it was a pretty good show.

Monday, July 02, 2007

ESPY Voting

Just want to reminder all the Gator fans to log onto the ESPY website and vote for the Gators! We are up for best team (Basketball and Football), Best Upset (BCS Championship game), and Bestr Coach (Donovan)....I think thats it, but not sure.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Advice on living arrangements

I thought I would ask for y'alls opinion about living situations. I have two options I am considering heavily. One is a 3 bedroom/1 bathroom apartment with a kitchen and living room, and it was just remodeled. Downside is there are no washer/dryer hookups, but they have laundry rooms at the complex. The other option is a house that is 3 bedrooms/2.5 bathrooms with a fenced in backyard. The apartment is $550 per month and the house is $700 per month. I can keep my dog at both of them. The house is in a nice area of town and the apartment is in a nice area, but it is getting closer to a bad area of town. The house is about 10 miles from work and the apartment is only about one mile away from work. I am leaning toward the apartment right now because of the financial aspect.

Which one do y'all think would be better?

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Btown what

Anyone else in btown this weekend? Cause I am.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

1080p help!!

Ok, I am supposed to be study for my immunology final which basically means that I have been researching HDTV's. I know I had posted stuff about this earlier but I have hit a wall and no one I know in Boston cares about crap like this.

My main question is if it is REALLY worth it for a 1080p LCD.

After listening to Chris, I looked at some DLP but they were freaking huge and the most my apartment will fit is a 42 inch set. Costco has the new Vizio 1080p but it has a shitty contrast ratio of 900:1 standard and 1800:1 dynamic, which worries me. It is under $1,000 which is where I need to be and there aren't really any other 1080p sets that cheap. I could, however, get the Vizio 42 inch plasma for only like $800 if it is still on sale. I like the 10,000:1 contrast ratio of the plasma and they seem to get higher ratings for trueness of color and sharper images.

Ok, so if anyone has anything informative, I would appreciate it.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Vet shortage

Alex, just saw on the local news that Arizona has a vet shortage. Based on the laws of supply and demand, that means more $ for you if you come out :).

Thursday, June 21, 2007

No More Stealing...

I finally ordered internet today from Comcast because they are running a great special of $19.99/month for 6 months. So XBOX LIVE here I come!! Post up your tags if you got one! I should be on sometime next week.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First choice said yes!

First I would like to say congratulations once again to Eric and Christina (Hooray, I get a sister! Hugs all around!). Secondly, I am proud to announce that I got my official acceptance letter to USF, providing I take undergrad biomechanics in the fall. I registered this morning, so it feels real enough for me to go ahead and let everyone know I'll be starting August 27th. From there it'll be about 5 semesters or so of seriously busting my ass and I will have my M.A. in Physical Education/Exercise Science. I'm also heavily considering a relocation closer to Tampa, but nothing's definite yet. I'll be sure to post with future news of my becoming a grown-up :o)

Monday, June 18, 2007

Big Announcement!

Christina and I got engaged on Saturday! I proposed on the secluded north end of Whitney Beach on Longboat Key (that's one of the uprooted trees behind us in the pictures). Yesterday we had both families over for a Father's Day dinner / mini-announcement party. Expect a date around Fall 2008!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

New TV

The rents surprised us yesterday w/ a trip to Costco (under the guise of a seafood purchase) to pick up this 46" Sony Bravia 1080p LCD behemoth.

Hooked it up in all of about 4 seconds and took a look at my first HD content on the 360.

mmmmmmm, pixels...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Cleaning the house

I'm throwing out all my old school stuff, any of the old roomates have any use for my Micro-p board? Also I found a 1 month free subscription to xbox live, first to claim it can have it.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Along those lines...

Did anyone else see this article on the first zero-emission home? Those crazy brits get all the fun.

Global warming video

Jared sent this to me, this is my kind of logic...

Interesting Argument About Global Warming - Watch more free videos

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Dale turned to the Dark Side

Dale Earnhardt has just officially joined Hendrick motor sports. Meaning Dale will now be TEAMMATES with the wonder fag Jeff Gordon. This news is extremely difficult to take and all but makes my transition to a new driver complete. Jr has done nothing to earn all the supporters he has. God forbid he actually make the chase and be incontention for a damn championship. So a break down below will show who I will be rooting for from now on. Dale could win me back because, well his dad was a damn legend and one of my favorite people in sports of all time. I will never forget that sad day when dale died, me and leighton were in shock.

PS Douscher (Aaron) dropped a Dale Earnhardt garbage can down our garbage shoot a couple of days before the accident, me and leighton still partially blame aaron.

Nicks Nascar Allegiance

Tony "smoke" Stewart: 51%
Dale "jr" Earnhardt: 49%

Friday, June 08, 2007

New Phone #'s

Christina and I just got some new phone numbers (and some sharp looking tmobile dashes), so if you'd like them please email me at emoose77 (at) gmail.com with your current phone number and I'll send ours to you. Failure to comply will result in deletion from my phonebook!! Seriously though, there's no way the numbers I have for most of you guys are correct, it's in serious need of an update.

Women drivers

My personal favorite:

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Hey Alex -

Send me all those pics. Loganbeal at gmail dot come

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My first "mod"

I did my first motorcycle modification, for reference here's a good shot of the old turn signals & tail light.

I picked up an aftermarket tail-light w/ smoked plastic (rather than red) and integrated turn signals.

Here's a shot of the clear/smoked cover:
Here's a shot of them on (they glow brighter when the brake is applied):
Here's somewhat of a shot of the left turn signal on:

Here's a short super-high res clip of it in action:

Friday, June 01, 2007

What the Crap

This is the single most depressing article I have read in years. So long Loonie, oh How I have loved you and all that you brought to the table.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Donovan = Show me the money

Wow now tell me that is not one of the biggest F jobs I have ever seen. Donovan just did UF over nasty. Better hope all these recruits he got do not jump ship. Well your AD is going to have to use his skills now to find a replacement because most of the other spots have been filled. Wow I thought he signed a 7yr extension with UF. Whats the consesus pissed off or happy for him??

PS I would be absolutely livid and would root for the magic to go 0-82

Calling out AMANDA...

Don't know if you watch So You Think You Can Dance, but....

I was watching it last night and towards the end they had this pretty little young woman named Janet from Tampa who happened to have one arm, big hair, and is now a medical sales rep in Tampa. Anyway, is this Golden Girl Janet from FSU? It HAS to be!

BTW, she made it to Vegas!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Shoes...

Since I am terribly bored at work today, I'll post some pics of my new rims. I needed to get tires about a month ago, so I figured I would go ahead and get rims too. I turned around and sold my stock rims and tires to cover some of the cost, and ultimately got my new rims for basically free. Anyway, enjoy.

Monday, May 28, 2007

News / Video bar worthwhile?

How many people use the News and Video bar on the right side of the page?

I added a random tshirthell.com tshirt to the side-bar. If you buy a shirt through that link, I get $4.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Gold Mine of Embarrassing Pics/Videos

Just had to post these embarrassing videos of my sister at her boss's son's graduation party. She had 3, 4, maybe 12 drinks tonight and I managed to get these before she passed out. If you're wondering why I was there, she and the rest of the rowdy drunks called me over. So anyway, on with the incriminating evidence... (sorry for the bad quality, it was my cell)

A little Dancing Queen karaoke

Breakin' it down!

More Baby Got Back

Even more Baby Got Back

And some Thriller if that wasn't enough

Friday, May 25, 2007

Quadruple Feature

Just watched the 3rd star wars prequel on Cinemax (which I never got around to seeing in theaters). Turns out their also showing Episodes 4, 5, & 6 back to back to back.

I'm gonna give watching them all a shot...

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cool Website

This website ancestry.com has compiled somewhere in the range of 45 million military records dating back to the revolutionary war. It is free to use until June 6th then they charge you to use it much like the rest of the site. You can actually view draft cards and such things like that. Tells you when the person was born along with date of birth and in some cases even which unit they served in. Pretty cool if you have a relative that helped serve the US of A.

Nick D

GO CAVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Update: Ahoy!

Well I am no longer interested in this pirate's booty and I hope there is a long lost relative of the person whose treasure this is. To understand my dismay, read this:


Friday, May 18, 2007


Logan, you have to get your sea-faring expertise in on this business. Who knew cool stuff could happen in Tampa??


Thursday, May 17, 2007

New OS

I installed xubuntu last night which is a variant of ubuntu running on a less demanding desktop environment.

The install went amazingly smoothly. There is a nice GUI for setting up your partitions and it even sets up your grub.conf for you. It found my Windows drive and set it up so I can dual boot.

The install found all my hardware and my speakers even worked right off the bat (which I haven't had much luck with other linux distros).

My only gripe is the lack of `su`. You have to do all admin work through sudo.

I haven't gotten to do much with it yet, gotta go to work and all.

But this could be the start of a renewed friendship between my home life and linux (we just linux at work).

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Friday, May 11, 2007

Nerdy Shirts

Thought some of you nerds would like these =)

They are a client of ours (the computer company)

Dinosaur Fishing

So we have been catching some Dinosaurs lately. This one is was the biggest. About 120lbs or so. The others were is the 80-100lb range.
That's my buddy Tim's first tarpon. Thats my first mate with the stupid hat on.
(for size comparison, that gaff has a 4 inch gap on it)

On our charter yesterday, we caught the very unusual.....

A Turtle

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Seven years later

I officially became a doctor on May 8th. So, I am finally done with school and actively searching for a job. I am going to interview with a few clinics in North Georgia this weekend, and I may head to B-town for a few days after. So, let me know if y'all are going to be in the FL.

Worst Web Design... Ever

Just take a look at this website and you'll see what I mean. My boss got a link to this website in a newsletter from ExpertsExchange that was describing what not to do when designing a website. Some of the terrible design choices on this website include: 29 scrolling marquees, 1.3mb of plain text, justified text with no padding, titles too long for the navigation buttons, animated gifs, a terrible color scheme, a static 1200 pixel wide layout... and I could keep going. Not to mention the fact that you have no idea what this company does by looking at or even browsing through the website! I would be interested to know if someone got paid for the design of this site.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Friday, May 04, 2007

Feliz Cinco De Mayo

Happy Cinco De Mayo everybody(almost). This gives us a great excuse to go and drink some corona's, dos equis or some el presidente. While enjoying some great mexican food. Hope everybody is doing well and I wish everybody a fun day tomorrow. Rory I expect you to dress up like Speedy Gonzalez.

PS Jae I expect you should take full advantage of this due to your promixity to the border.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Jimmy Johns comes to town

Just stumbled upon a new Jimmy Johns that is coming in just around the corner from our house. Now all we need is a McAlister's Deli and a Subsational and I can die a happy man.

Turkey Tom here I come.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Here is our new monster, pay special attention to the size of her paws. Her name is Jilly Bean, she hails from the Wal-Mart parking lot.

NFL Draft

Well ladies and Gents the NFL draft is this weekend where we can sit there and dedicate nearly a whole weekend to sitting on our ass and watching names pop on a screen and of course gaucking at Mel Kiper's hair. So be sure when you are sitting on your couches watching your big screen's (in J's case his hand held TV) sipping on your fine Busch Light with a hefty portion of Nachos and Pretzels, be sure to keep one eye open for me. I will be one of the few idiots dressed in BROWNS gear cheering/booing for the picks on saturday. I will gladly cheer or boo for your favorite team if they dont pick who you want just let me know.

Details: Start handing out tickets at 6AM able to get in line at 5AM. So will prob be leaving the apartment at 4:45ish. Doors open at 11 with the line starting at 10. It will be held in Radio City Music Hall. I plan to stay for the entirety of the first round depending on how board I get maybe the whole first day. And the price of admission....the wasting of a full day on nothing. FREE!!!!
Now the price of food and drink while in attendance I would rather not think about.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Home video taken for Jen's bro, excuse the mess

Quality of the video isn't great but it'll have to do for now.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Car Downgrade, Cashflow Upgrade

Used Civic Hybrid? ... check.
Lower payment? ....... check.
Lower insurance? ...... check.
~50 mpg? ................... check.

Some may even say this is an upgrade from my previous car, considering its green nature. I got it on Thursday but I'm just getting around to taking pictures of it today. I've driven it all over the place the past 3 days, putting about 300 miles on it using only a half a tank of gas! Not to mention I can finally get regular gas, my old one was premium only. So I'm the first one to go hybrid, what do you guys have to say about that?