Wednesday, August 01, 2007

So I have been off the blog for somewhile now

But Nick still sucks and is pasty white.


Nick D said...

Haha touche. Two weekends ago I was at central park for over 4 hours determined to get some sun. I actually have a tan line now, woohoo. Although, my shoulders did end up peeling. I dont think I am pasty right now, I would say a tan pale.

Nick D said...

PS Logan did you catch my comment on facebook, was it descrete?

Nick D said...

Blog rankings:

1) Nick and Logan

2) Everybody but Rory

3) Rory

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Top Gayest People in the World:

1) Nick DiVincenzo

2) Nick Divincenzo's boyfriend

3) Elton John

Leighton said...

Rory, you forgot George Michael and Boy George...however, I don't think they beat Nick.

Nick D said...

ah funny stuff.