Friday, June 08, 2007

New Phone #'s

Christina and I just got some new phone numbers (and some sharp looking tmobile dashes), so if you'd like them please email me at emoose77 (at) with your current phone number and I'll send ours to you. Failure to comply will result in deletion from my phonebook!! Seriously though, there's no way the numbers I have for most of you guys are correct, it's in serious need of an update.


Jae said...

mine is still the same number.

Nick D said...

Why cant you just post your number here and we can post our numbers here...941-545-5096...same.

Adam said...

Now everyone on the planet knows your full name and telephone number. Eric, mine is still the same too. I am hanging on to that B-town number until I die.

Logan said...

Mine has been the same since 10th grade.

Eric said...

I guess I was wrong, most of you do have the same numbers, but I still need you to email me if you want my number, I'm not posting it here.

Nick D said...

I dont like this whole you have to email me to continue to be my friend crap.

Eric said...

whoa, whoa, calm down Nick, nobody said that. But if you do feel that way, thanks for emailing me.

Nick D said...

Your welcome :)

Jae said...

Nick, I hope you spell check before you submit you're (j/k) reports. Although, spell check wouldn't catch that one.

Anonymous said...

same number here, Carla too