Friday, November 30, 2007

My First Homebrew

I've officially started my new hobby. The boil was last night, and if all goes well, I should have 5 gallons of beer (48+ bottles) just in time for Christmas/New Years. I'm expecting this to be something like Newcastle, so anyone who is able to drink a Newcastle without making a face is welcome to try it if you're in town for the holidays.


Leighton said...

New Castle is my favorite beer ever!!!!!!!!! Where did you get the kit Eric?

Eric said...

equipment and ingredients kit from If you look around, you can find kits for every type of beer from many, many different sites, I just thought they had the best deal.

Adam said...

Haha, that is hilarious. I hope it doesn't turn out like the brew sack... I'll definitely sign up to drink it though! It looks like some sort of stew or gravy in that pot.

Amanda said...

I'm not able to drink Newcastle without making a face but you can be pretty sure I'll try it (and make a face) anyway. Although I do have much faith in your brewing abilities.

Jae said...

wait, this is the guy whose definition of cooking was heating up an entire tray of tater tots? you've come a long way my friend, looks like you are now boiling water :). good luck on your brew, sorry i won't be there to enjoy some w/ you.