Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Behold! My new HDTV

It's a Panasonic 50" 1080p plasma. That's right, I said 1080p plasma. We bought it on Monday (Hooray for Labor Day sales!) and we just got to setting it up tonight because I needed some assistance moving our old 300lb tube tv upstairs. If anyone out there is still in the market, this one has my full recommendation; the picture is unbelievable.


Alex said...

Welcome to the world of HDTV! I am loving my 46" Samsung 1080p LCD!

Leighton said...

Yeah, another one for the plasma crew! Great choice BTW, that is the same TV my dad has I think...picture is ridiculous. Congrats!

Eric said...

Alex, do you have the Samsung LN-T4665F? If so, let me say that is also a fantastic choice. That was the only other tv I was considering, but I had to go with more size, and at the time of the sale, cheaper price. If I were to get them at regular price, I probably would have gone with the Samsung LN-T4665F.

Alex said...

You got it Eric! I researched several TVs and I was sold on how good it looked in the store. I guess and sound sysytem is next on the agenda, if I get some help from my Reward points.