Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Update: Ahoy!

Well I am no longer interested in this pirate's booty and I hope there is a long lost relative of the person whose treasure this is. To understand my dismay, read this:



Alex said...

Perhaps, he should donate the money to people in poverty in the true spirit of liberal politics. Wait a second, if he is a democrat then he will keep the money, find a loophole to avoid paying taxes on it, and raise taxes on middle and upper class small business owners.

Jae said...

Naw, he'll probably make a large donation that will eventually make its way back to some sort of campaign fund for himself.

Leighton said...

I fucking hate politics (except for Drew). They have their greedy little hands in everything.

Nick D said...


Adam said...

I don't hate politics. I just hate John Edwards. Trial attorneys are the devil incarnate. They have no concern for anyone but themselves. I hate 'em and they stink! Wide-nosed, big butt havin', breathing all the white man's air.

Alex said...

I would have to agree with Adam 100% about John Edwards and I wanted to commend him on his Dave Chappelle reference.

Nice work, Mr. Fasoli!

Nick D said...

Point of interest here, everybody take notice how Alex has all this extra time to blog now that he is infact not in school and unemployed to boot.

Alex said...

Haha! So true Nick! However, I should have a job soon, so my blogging time will decrease once again.

Leighton said...

Nobody likes a quitter Alex.

Alex said...

Sorry Bryan...I'll try harder.

Logan said...

Alex, did you make it to FL yet?

Point of note. Nick has a job and spends all day blogging.

Alex said...

Not yet. I am hoping to be there soon.