Sunday, May 27, 2007

Gold Mine of Embarrassing Pics/Videos

Just had to post these embarrassing videos of my sister at her boss's son's graduation party. She had 3, 4, maybe 12 drinks tonight and I managed to get these before she passed out. If you're wondering why I was there, she and the rest of the rowdy drunks called me over. So anyway, on with the incriminating evidence... (sorry for the bad quality, it was my cell)

A little Dancing Queen karaoke

Breakin' it down!

More Baby Got Back

Even more Baby Got Back

And some Thriller if that wasn't enough


Andrew said...

Remind me never to get drunk around Eric.

Adam said...

Wow that is awesomely cruel. At least she looked like she was having fun.

Jae said...

What a good brother, making sure her fun night is captured so she will never forget. Also, kind enough to post it to youtube so the whole world can enjoy. Thanks for sharing, good to see people paryin' like rock stars.

Leighton said...

Drunk-O back in the hoose!!!

Anonymous said...

And that is why camera phones are the devil.

Amanda said...

Hope you all enjoyed the performance. It's important to note that my boss (the large man in yellow) was just as drunk as I was, and Dad wasn't all that far behind! I've had a day to relive the night in my head a few times, and I must say despite the fact that I am oblivious to my own volume, I know how to put on a show. Too bad Eric didn't get my duet with my boss singing Paradise by the Dashboard Light, and of course my infamous rendition of The Devil Went Down to Georgia. Definitely good times that I'm both proud and surprised to remember.

Nick D said...

Werent you a golden girl for like 3 years??? where did all those moves go??...haha. That was pretty awesome amanda way to party it up and have a good time. And you still seem to be employed which is the best part of it all.

Logan said...

Very nice Amanda! We have a karoke bar here that is right around the corner from my place. The bartender knows us there, and on a crazy night there will be 10 people there. You should come try your vocal talents there.