I put out the American Flag today for 9-11. When I came home from work, there was a lady from the front office that told me I had to take it down. It was against policy to have a flag up. What kind of CRAP is this?!?!
Fuck that, call your Congressman. I believe it is Connie Mack IV, who just got engaged to Congresswoman Mary Bono. CMack is always looking for something to get his name in the news.
Logan, think you can get me an email address for this bitch or something? A work email? I have everybody at work fired-up and we would like to do some email bombing.
I remember Donald Trump had a similiar issue. They were going to fine him everyday he left the flag up. Not sure if he every took it down or not. But...Logan we are all behind you whatever it takes.
Nick, the issue with Trump is a bit different. He was allowed to Fly his flag, but he could not fly a flag as large as he had. Now, I am totally for flying flags of any size, I think his flag was gigantic, larger than the flags you see at car dealerships. I actually believe it was a similar size to the one that was on the Pentagon, so like 8 STORIES by 4 STORIES.
I think this is what will happen if I put my flag back up...(I am the radical flag waver)
Let's assume this radical flag waver refuses to take his flag down on selected holidays and the Landlord initiates the eviction process. So the Landlord and Radical Flag displayer march to the Courthouse to talk to the Judge---
"Your honor, this man violated the terms of his lease and I want you to declare this lease void and evict this tenant"
"How did he violate the terms of the lease"?
"He displayed an American flag on my building during patriotic holidays, which is strictly prohibited in the lease".
"Is this an especially large flag that could some how be deemed gaudy or tacky?"
"Does this flag present a safety hazzard?"
"I see. Does this man live in this Apartment building?"
"Does he pay his rent?"
"Have any other tenants complained about this display of the American Flag?"
"And you want me to put this man on the street without a place to live because of these facts?
" I see---. OK, Mr. Flag waver, I have a question for you. Why do you insist on hanging an American flag on this man's apartment building during patriotic holidays when your landlord says he doesn't want you to?"
"Because this is where I live and I love my Country"
She must be a terrorist or a democrat...it can be hard to tell the difference.
that's bullshit, you should contact your local news.
I agree with Jae...I think that infringes on your freedom of speech and expression rights. If someone is un-American they can move to France.
Fuck that, call your Congressman. I believe it is Connie Mack IV, who just got engaged to Congresswoman Mary Bono. CMack is always looking for something to get his name in the news.
What a load of shit. Logan I admire your patriotism. Your next step should be hanging it on the club house, fuck em.
I'm with everybody...time to step it up! Hang two now, or three. This is completely crazy! What country are we in!?
Logan, think you can get me an email address for this bitch or something? A work email? I have everybody at work fired-up and we would like to do some email bombing.
I remember Donald Trump had a similiar issue. They were going to fine him everyday he left the flag up. Not sure if he every took it down or not. But...Logan we are all behind you whatever it takes.
Nick, the issue with Trump is a bit different. He was allowed to Fly his flag, but he could not fly a flag as large as he had. Now, I am totally for flying flags of any size, I think his flag was gigantic, larger than the flags you see at car dealerships. I actually believe it was a similar size to the one that was on the Pentagon, so like 8 STORIES by 4 STORIES.
I think this is what will happen if I put my flag back up...(I am the radical flag waver)
Let's assume this radical flag waver refuses to take his flag down on selected holidays and the Landlord initiates the eviction process. So the Landlord and Radical Flag displayer march to the Courthouse to talk to the Judge---
"Your honor, this man violated the terms of his lease and I want you to declare this lease void and evict this tenant"
"How did he violate the terms of the lease"?
"He displayed an American flag on my building during patriotic holidays, which is strictly prohibited in the lease".
"Is this an especially large flag that could some how be deemed gaudy or tacky?"
"Does this flag present a safety hazzard?"
"I see. Does this man live in this Apartment building?"
"Does he pay his rent?"
"Have any other tenants complained about this display of the American Flag?"
"And you want me to put this man on the street without a place to live because of these facts?
" I see---. OK, Mr. Flag waver, I have a question for you. Why do you insist on hanging an American flag on this man's apartment building during patriotic holidays when your landlord says he doesn't want you to?"
"Because this is where I live and I love my Country"
Ya'll can guess the rest----
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