Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Shoes...

Since I am terribly bored at work today, I'll post some pics of my new rims. I needed to get tires about a month ago, so I figured I would go ahead and get rims too. I turned around and sold my stock rims and tires to cover some of the cost, and ultimately got my new rims for basically free. Anyway, enjoy.


Nick D said...

I dig it man they look awesome. I really like the black rims plus it makes easy cleaning. I consider that a nice balzy move on the car. Moments like this that make me wish I owned a car again.

PS I have not drove a car since Christmas...now that is weird.

Andrew said...

I agree, they look pretty sweet. I wish I had disposable income like that. I can barely afford to visit Adam and spend the weekend as a drunken mess. New fond appreciation for speed quarters.

Adam said...

Speed quarters is the best. I have to say that Drew wasn't as much of a drunken mess as in past visits. Not like Amanda or anything. Nick spent one night hiding post-it notes saying "Nick was here" throughout my bedroom. I found one on a shirt in my closet that just said "Nice."

Alex said...

Haha! I can picture Nick doing that.

Nice rims Brian! I am hoping to be able to afford something like that soon.

Jae said...

like whoa...

Nick D said...

Plus I'm gettin brain from this chick like WHOA!

Leighton said...

hundred mile-n-hour switchin lanes like WHOA!

Jae said...

ha, all these years and we're still on the same page. glad we refuse to grow up.