If you so you may want to loan it to the Gators starting safety so he can get his girlfriends car out the impound. Or maybe he can use it for bail. I am glad you guys did not run your mouths about the FSU guy, this is to funny.
Don't forget that one former and three current players were questioned about a shooting outside of a bar in G-ville. I can firmly say that football players at Colgate do not get into this kind of trouble. Unless your name is Eugene Robinson.
The Gator Bowl Association (Jacksonville) is still working hard to get Florida State in a 12th game in 2008. They were trying to get one of two Big East teams to play in it - West Virginia and Rutgers - but both refused. They didn't want any part of FSU. They were also in discussions with three big time SEC programs (not UF) and none of the three wanted to play in it either - I don't know which teams.
I do not really blame the SEC teams to much (babies), but these Big Least teams are unbelievable. Then again why play anybody when you can just have an artificially high ranking?
Well you better hope his punishment is worse. Geno got a misdemeanor, your boy got a FELONY. So by all means his should be worse, lets see how it shakes out.
It'll be dropped. He stayed and waited for the police...I guess he realized he was gonna be in some big trouble. The judge, or whoever, will take that into account. Not that I'm defending him, just my legal opinion. I still think he's an idiot.
Btw Drew, you forgot to mention that the "players were not considered suspects, but their names were given to police as people who may have witnessed the shooting."
I love the article's Cracker Barrel reference. This ranks up there with "it oughtta be illegal to sell bad crack." Funny article, and yes, it should be dropped. The guy who owned the place was even saying he left the gate open.
Isn't the player who got arrested also Tebow's roommate? I seem to remember him kissing Tebow on the sideline earlier this year. I guess his girlfriend shares him.
Not gay, wanna know how I know? Because, Tim Tebow invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.
Don't forget that one former and three current players were questioned about a shooting outside of a bar in G-ville. I can firmly say that football players at Colgate do not get into this kind of trouble. Unless your name is Eugene Robinson.
Hopefully he gets a harsh penalty like Geno Hayes.
Side Note: These football players are idiots. You think they would eventually learn, but no.
The Gator Bowl Association (Jacksonville) is still working hard to get Florida State in a 12th game in 2008. They were trying to get one of two Big East teams to play in it - West Virginia and Rutgers - but both refused. They didn't want any part of FSU. They were also in discussions with three big time SEC programs (not UF) and none of the three wanted to play in it either - I don't know which teams.
I do not really blame the SEC teams to much (babies), but these Big Least teams are unbelievable. Then again why play anybody when you can just have an artificially high ranking?
Well you better hope his punishment is worse. Geno got a misdemeanor, your boy got a FELONY. So by all means his should be worse, lets see how it shakes out.
It'll be dropped. He stayed and waited for the police...I guess he realized he was gonna be in some big trouble. The judge, or whoever, will take that into account. Not that I'm defending him, just my legal opinion. I still think he's an idiot.
Btw Drew, you forgot to mention that the "players were not considered suspects, but their names were given to police as people who may have witnessed the shooting."
I love the article's Cracker Barrel reference. This ranks up there with "it oughtta be illegal to sell bad crack." Funny article, and yes, it should be dropped. The guy who owned the place was even saying he left the gate open.
Isn't the player who got arrested also Tebow's roommate? I seem to remember him kissing Tebow on the sideline earlier this year. I guess his girlfriend shares him.
I wish I could share Tebow's girlfriend....so hot.
yes, http://journals.aol.com/dcsportsguy/mrirrelevant/entries/2007/03/29/fact-tim-tebow-can-divide-by-zero/3310
ohhhhh, thanks Logan...guess that destroys Alex's argument that Tebow is gay.
I have a gay uncle that was married twice and has daughter. Just because "has a girlfriend" doesn't mean he isn't gay. He's gay.
Not gay, wanna know how I know? Because, Tim Tebow invented black. In fact, he invented the entire spectrum of visible light. Except pink. Tom Cruise invented pink.
Lets be serious here, no way is he even close to the Chuck Norris/Vin Diesel quotes...
yes he is Nick, shut your face.
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