Friday, December 21, 2007

Finally I can relax!

My first semester as a grad student is officially over, and I currently hold a 3.40 (an A and 2 B's). I must say I had hoped for better, because it was within reach until the end. But ehh, what can you do... I'm still proud of me :o)

P.S. I've applied for a GA position which would span the next 2 semesters in the Sport and Field department. No clue what the job would entail at this point, my advisor just asked if I'd be interested and proceeded to submit my app. So anyway I'll let you know if anything happens there... just keep your fingers crossed for me that I might soon get the crap out of retail. I'm out for X-mas Eve (work - of course), but I'll see most of you guys the 28th if not before. Merry Christmas!

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