Wednesday, June 06, 2007

My first "mod"

I did my first motorcycle modification, for reference here's a good shot of the old turn signals & tail light.

I picked up an aftermarket tail-light w/ smoked plastic (rather than red) and integrated turn signals.

Here's a shot of the clear/smoked cover:
Here's a shot of them on (they glow brighter when the brake is applied):
Here's somewhat of a shot of the left turn signal on:

Here's a short super-high res clip of it in action:


Leighton said...

Nicely done Jae..subtle but very nice. Glad to see someone else finally messing with their ride! Now stretch it and lower it! jk.

Nick D said...

That a boy J looks good. Way to spruce up that ass. The next Jesse James, dun and dun.