Friday, May 11, 2007

Dinosaur Fishing

So we have been catching some Dinosaurs lately. This one is was the biggest. About 120lbs or so. The others were is the 80-100lb range.
That's my buddy Tim's first tarpon. Thats my first mate with the stupid hat on.
(for size comparison, that gaff has a 4 inch gap on it)

On our charter yesterday, we caught the very unusual.....

A Turtle


Adam said...

Can I be the first to say, that is bad ass! You make some turtle soup with that catch? Officially, I know you have to say no... but just give the old wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more (monty python reference) and we will know how delicious it was. That other beast is quite the catch too. How long did it take to reel in?

Logan said...

;) ;)

Naw, we let it go. Otherwise I would be in Jail. The dinosaur tarpon took about 30 mins or so.

Nick D said...

Thats awesome stuff Logan. Not to shabby of a day it looks like.

Jae said...

I can't wait until Nick has kids and has to "help" them with their English homework.

Adam said...

Apostrophes and prepositions are overrated anyway.

Nick D said...

HONEY!!!!....Vincenzo needs help with his homework, and get me a fucking beer on your way...Done and Done

Jae said...

Vincenzo, nice.

Logan said...

Nick, you are gonna have a hot daughter, not a boy.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and I'm gonna date when she turns yah!

Jae said...

I hope your boyfriend is okay with it when the time comes.


Nick D said...

Wow making fun of my unborn daughter, thats what I love about you rory no barriers. So if you date her and marry her I will be your father in law. That is all kinds of weird.

PS Rory you might as well close your eyes cuz that is close as you will ever get my friend. Your bf logan definitely will not let that fly either.

Logan said...

Your daughter may thing that we are gay, thats just so that we can swoop in and make the move.