Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July

Hope everyone had a nice 4th of July. We grilled some burgers and brats with the family and watched the fireworks at Heritage Harbour, a good time was had by all. Earlier today Christina and I went to see Transformers, and I must say the special effects far surpass anything else that has ever been done, and it was a good movie to boot. I highly suggest that all of you see it in the theaters asap. I've included a video of the last few minutes of our fireworks, it was a pretty good show.

1 comment:

Nick D said...

Awesome I can not wait to see that movie. Looks like I have something to do this weekend to occupy one of my nights.

Mine 4th of July was a bit different naturally. I viewed the fireworks from the 67th floor of the Chrysler Building. Not even some rain could damper the amazing view. I did miss cooking out and relaxing on the beach/grass checking out the fireworks.