Tuesday, November 13, 2007

For the GH3 fans...

I know for a fact, I will never be able to do this...ever. Completely ridiculous.


Anonymous said...

That was ridiculous! Who has time to even practice that much to get that good...oh yeah, that guy.

By the way, I'm thinking about getting an XBox 360. Guy I work with is giving me a deal for it. So I'm looking for a little feedback from those who have it? Any problems with it? Should I get it?

Leighton said...

Get it Rory. One of my favorite things that I have bought. There are more great games than I can keep up with right now. Halo 3, Guitar Hero 3, Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty 4, and even the Lego Starwars series. And those are just the NEW games.

Leighton said...

Oh, and I have not had a single issue so far. Maybe one of the other guys will have a different opinion.

Jae said...

i got the 3 red ring problem that plagues all older xbox 360s but microsoft was on the ball about getting it fixed with no cost to me (other than my time in waiting for the repairs).

Anonymous said...

I have 2 and I like them both

Nick D said...

That was awesome