Thursday, May 03, 2007

Jimmy Johns comes to town

Just stumbled upon a new Jimmy Johns that is coming in just around the corner from our house. Now all we need is a McAlister's Deli and a Subsational and I can die a happy man.

Turkey Tom here I come.


Jenny said...

Yay! It's just around the corner from me too.

kel said...

well duh jenny.... lol
So, what the hell is a Jimmy John's anyway? Or a Subsational for that matter? Have I been deprived?

Alex said...

No likey the Jimmy Johns!

Nick D said...

Jimmy Johns is pretty good. But nothing beats a pub sub or a hook n ladder from firehouse.

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, Pub sub. Jae, since your closer to Mexico are there a lot of Taco Bells?

Nick D said...

Haha very intriguing question by rory

Jae said...

naw, normal amounts of tbells. lots more good local joints though. plus you don't have to eat rat (or whatever tbell is using for meat now).

Anonymous said...

I believe the meat of choice is skunk.