Sunday, November 25, 2007

45-12=Tebow not taken down

Really no one posted yet. Must be stunned silence on the part of FSU fans, and UF fans aren't done with their party. Living in La means I am insulated from the craziness of a 33 point beat down. All I hear out here is LSU lost and I-10 is closed. I like the Kansas commercial, I bet everything they showed somehow relates to the study of corn and corn related subjects. The kansas coach looks like the fat hypnotist from office space, I bet he has bacon breaks.

Tebow for heisman, the guy from Hawaii wins the "I sneak into girls dorm rooms and my pants disappear award"®, McFadden wins the "my team is terrible, I took a 3 game vacation in the middle of the season, and I was robbed last year award"®, Chase Daniels wins the "we represent the Lollipop guild pass for 2 yards and let my receivers do the work award, plus Missouri is america's anus and I play here"®, and anyone else I missed who may rob Tebow of the heisman he so rightly deserves; I hope someday you murder your wife, get away with it, and then plan the worst robbery in history to try and steal it back, because that is what you are a wife murdering heisman thief.

1 comment:

Jae said...

good ole josh, same as always...