Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Another one bites the dust

Yes gentlemen the time has come for another one of your dearest friends to get engaged. It happened a week or so ago but I just started classes again and moved into a new apartment so things have been totally crazy. I'm really sorry to have kept you all out of the loop but I didn't call my brother and sisters until my mom yelled at me too. =) No plans yet for a wedding date but it should be before I graduate from school in 2010. Anyway, hope everyone is as excited as I am. Take care. Oh, here is a pic of the ring. It is kind of crappy lighting but you get the idea.


Alex said...


Logan said...

Dang....all my friends are getting married and Im just getting drunk. Congrats Adam. I don't think I have ever met the young lady.

kel said...

congrats! =)

Jae said...

way to take the plunge my friend. congrats to you both.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Adam! Logan and Nick....you f#*kers better not leave me hanging.

Andrew said...

I have already congratulated you, but again Congrats. And now it is time to start planning the B-Party, hookers and blow anyone?

Nick D said...

Congrats Adam!!!! Dont worry Adam we are all just as exited as you are, for your bachelor party that is.

Rory I do not plan on ditching you and Logan anytime soon.

Leighton said...

Congrats Adam! Sad to say I don't even know her name. I guess I'll get to meet her soon though when I come up there for vacation!

Eric said...

Congrats to you and Allie! sp? Anyway, ditto on Bryan's comment, see you next month!

Nick D said...

Nick as Adam:

Unfortunately, you will not be able to meet her, for she lives in Chicago not Boston. What a smart girl she is, although she is a Jersey girl which I have always been a bit skeptical about. She is a cool girl though, dont worry.

Anonymous said...

congratulations to you both