Anyone have any comments on the release of this report? There are some big names in here, the likes of Bonds, Clemens, Pettitte, Tejada, Giambi, Sheffield, Gagne, LoDuca, Matthews Jr, Glaus, Vaughn, Knoblauch, Justice, ... the list goes on, even as far back as Lenny Dykstra. The Clemens piece is especially damning, it's about 5 pages long, and goes into quite a bit of detail.
Click here to download the report.
Giambi on steroids?? I don't believe it. He always struck me as the natural athlete. Oh well. It's baseball, they should be allowed to juice.
Also interesting that there are so many Yankees names on there and that this guy is part of the Red Sox organization...
Let me just say that the trail of trainers that they interviewed started in the Mets organization (Radomski). McNamee was one of his sub-distributors and a trainer for the Yankees. It just happens that those were the only guys that they had something on to make them talk. I personally think that there wasn't a whole lot of useful information in the report; really just a restatement of what was already known. Some big names were thrown out, but it still remains to be proven if the interviewees were telling the truth or if they were coerced in fear of jail time.
I think this report is just fucking bullshit. Yes it is great to see who "used" them, but in the end it means very little. All this is going to do is give the media something to talk about all offseason and all next season. The past is the past and we cant do anything about it. We need to focus on future testing and preventation. This only matters for people who are potentially going to the hall of fame.
I think exposing those who used steroids is important. I think it was done in the wrong way. I am most interested in the MLBPA's reaction, I did see a quick presser with Fehr. If they do not take blame, or at least the lion's share of the blame, that will be a big downfall. The excuse that it was not illegal is pretty much bullshit. There are plenty of things that can be done legally but that does not make it right. If the players do not man up and take responsibility, the sport is done and it should just be run like the WWE. Change it to Sports Entertainment, take away the World Series or at least script it. That is what it will become.
Was that your piece entitled "in case I'm ever in office and the critics try to nail me via this blog"? lol
That being said, well put Drew. Although I do think that if they're not currently testing positive then it shouldn't be made an issue... I'd rather not know. It'd just add another skidmark on the underpants of baseball.
The only important thing is that this adds to the possibility of this sport going away and never coming back. For that I am greatful.
Come the whole report, the only big surprise was Clemens(maybe Pettite). Bonds...knew it. Sheffield...knew it. Giambi bros...of course. Gagne...figured. This really didn't tell us anything we didn't already figure. All I know is that they better 'asterisk' everything for all these guys after what they did to Bonds.
Honestly, it didn't really live up to the hype. I was hoping for A-Rod personally...that guy is definately on the juice.
Yanks 15...Boston 0. What a load of shit this thing is anyway.
This guy is far from impartial in any aspect. If Selig get's his way all the blame is going to fall on the players. Nobody talk about the fact that after the strike in 1994 everybody and their brother knew something was up. Did Selig care, NOOOO, why because Sammy and Mark hitting the ball 600 feet made people forget about the strike. It brought the fans back and it brought the sport back into a glamour period.
I love baseball and all this will not change it. I just want it to go away. We were just starting to settle down, then wammy.
Drew I like your idea...
Yanks 15...Boston 0. What a load of shit this thing is anyway.
This guy is far from impartial in any aspect. If Selig get's his way all the blame is going to fall on the players. Nobody talk about the fact that after the strike in 1994 everybody and their brother knew something was up. Did Selig care, NOOOO, why because Sammy and Mark hitting the ball 600 feet made people forget about the strike. It brought the fans back and it brought the sport back into a glamour period.
I love baseball and all this will not change it. I just want it to go away. We were just starting to settle down, then wammy.
Drew I like your idea...
See I care so much some how I double posted...haha.
I have to agree with you here Nick. Where was this steroid talk with Maguire and Sosa? And why aren't they on the list now!? It wouldn't surprise me if the MLB themselves didn't hand them out after the strike. All of a sudden steroids are a big deal like they haven't been an issue in the past...people just chose not to address it.
Side note, you should see the papers in NY today it is incredible. Clemens, Pettite and Lo Duca are plastered everywhere with syringes and shit sticking in them. I love NY tabloids.
I was wondering when someone would say it. Kudos to Conseco for saying what we are all thinking...
Remember four year's ago how persecuted and villified he was by everybody (including me). We all thought he was just a desperate man trying to get one last shot at fame and money. Well that may have been true, but he was not lying. Man he must be having a big ole chuckle about this.
I personally will always remember when Conseco "gave" the Indians a homerun, when he so graciously bounced the ball off his head.
Good memory. Nice to know that head's there for somethin.
P.S. My brother is friggin brilliant.
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