Tuesday, September 11, 2007

mario level that plays itself

The Only Mario Level That Plays Itself - Watch more free videos


Eric said...

I have that game on my Wii, and I'm pretty sure I'm past that part, so I'll be testing this as soon as I get home. If that was done on purpose, (which it must have been) I can't imagine how long it took the level designers to plan that out. There's a chance that it only works on the Jap version, I'll give you an update.

Leighton said...

haha, that is pretty sweet. Looks like that level would be pretty hard otherwise. nice find j.

Nick D said...

Alex, when did you video tape me playing mario??. That was pretty sweet.

Eric said...

Well I checked at home, and this level doesn't exist. The pipe used in the video is actually the location of the green switch palace. Upon further investigation, it turns out this is a user modified level, which is apparently a pretty popular thing to do among people with way too much time on their hands. Here is a link to a page with this video and a few others. Click Here

Alex said...

Nick, did you take all that time to make a Mario level? That's pretty sad.

Jae said...

good investigative skills eric, still an awesome video