Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Yes, yes I I did

Soooo... yeah, I got a tatoo... did it two weeks ago yesterday. I stalled on the posting of the pics because I was afraid of the backlash I'd get from y'all, but I finally caved because I'm just too damn proud of it. Don't necessarily know what I was thinking, but I definitely do not have any regrets whatsoever (if that makes sense). I'll tell you right now though, you guys have to at least give me credit on taking the pain like a champ (which I did), because it effin hurt like a son of a bitch. Well anyway, on with the show...

Oh and by the way...... GO SOX!!! :o)


Amanda said...

Oh and I forgot to add... saw Superbad yesterday, and I honestly can't remember the last time I laughed so hard in a theatre. My cheeks were literally sore, tears and everything. Highly recommend you all see it asap!

Jae said...

congrats on the tat amanda (not too excited about the artwork, but that's a matter of opinion). you still have more cojones than me :). thanks for the movie rec as well. by the way, how is school going? or has that started yet?

Leighton said...

I knew you would eventually cave...you've been talking about getting ink for like 10 years now. Oh, and since you have one, you now have to officially call it "ink" or "work" now...you are in the "in" crowd. Congrats!!!

Leighton said...

PS...be careful of the addiction.

Nick D said...

I just threw up. If you want I can schedule an apppointment with my dad to get your foot removed.

No but congrats on "womaning" up. One of these days I plan on getting one. Just have not had the money or balls to do it.

PS Superbad was funny as hell!!!

Nick D said...

Whats up with your third toe being longer then the second, weird. Haha. Didnt i used to call you big foot or someting. I bet that would hurt, needle on bone. I am impressed.

Nick D said...


Amanda you have motivated me. I have started my search for some images of what I want. Spent the last couple hours of work looking actually. Got to love the summer time. I would still bet on me not getting one but hey least I am putting in effort.

Logan said...


Leighton said...

Nick, you have to carry on Divincenzo family tradition and get the black panther.

PS Nick...I started lifting again...not pretty.

Nick D said...

1)PSS means I will kick your ass, your supposed to agree with everything I do.

2)You know thats what I am looking at Leighton. The black panther. Found some pretty cool shit, I have to let it simmer for a bit.

3) Yea dude those first few weeks back are a combination of depressing and humbling. I go during lunch like 3-4 times a week. Strongest I have ever been actually. Just ask rory.

Leighton said...

Strongest you have ever been! Sounds like I have some catching-up to do.

Anonymous said...

Ew that sucks! I heard the Red Sox are moving towns too...I think Phoenix...so you might have to change that B to a P.

Leighton, if that is the strongest Nick has ever been then I am disappointed. He let the Jew (hindered by a hurt shoulder) take him down in the Octagon.

Nick D said...

He had the eye of the Jew, what can I say.

Plus he smelled, rory you know what I am talking about. Can you make fun of somebody without them having the ability to respond? Yea sure why not.

Logan said...

Did he have horns too?

Nick D said...

No but I think he had a boner.

Yo Beal just letting you know Smith contacted me the other day. Good looking out, invited him to our party tomorrow night. Going to be complete with kegs and beer pong. Ah the luxuries of having a deck....