My main question is if it is REALLY worth it for a 1080p LCD.
After listening to Chris, I looked at some DLP but they were freaking huge and the most my apartment will fit is a 42 inch set. Costco has the new Vizio 1080p but it has a shitty contrast ratio of 900:1 standard and 1800:1 dynamic, which worries me. It is under $1,000 which is where I need to be and there aren't really any other 1080p sets that cheap. I could, however, get the Vizio 42 inch plasma for only like $800 if it is still on sale. I like the 10,000:1 contrast ratio of the plasma and they seem to get higher ratings for trueness of color and sharper images.
Ok, so if anyone has anything informative, I would appreciate it.
I am biased towards the plasma. I just don't think any of the other's can stand up to the plasma's picture. My .02.
The problem with plasma is that the plasma will need to be replaced over time and I hear that it costs alot. The LCD might require a bulb replacement which is cheaper and easier.
But what is over time, are we talking like 5 yrs or so in which case it is a push in my eyes. Hell in five years he will be making the big bucks and ready for the new wave of technology anyway.
It is actually probably longer than that. Also the LCD's usually don't need bulb replacement for over 20 years. Burn in of plasmas and bulbs on LCD's don't really seem to be a huge issue. I want to know about the picture quality and if 1080p is really going to make the viewing experience better. In other words, does resolution play such a huge role in picture quality or is stuff like contrast ratio and color trueness that makes the difference?
Adam, for broadcast HDTV, you do not need a 1080p tv, plain and simple. HDTV is either in 720p or 1080i, depending on the channel. 1080p is currently only used in HD-DVD, BluRay, and PS3. If you're only looking to spend under 1K, you're definitely not going to want to get a cheapo 1080p capable tv. For that money, I would suggest a 720p or 1080i set.
in addition, for a set 42" or less, there will be no noticeable difference between 720p and 1080i. Go to a store where they show the same demo loop over and over, pick the picture quality you like the best.
Perfect suggestion from Eric. I walked into Curcuit City and they had an LG 42" LCD and 42" Plasma sitting right next to each other. I knew either way I would get a great TV, so I simply chose the one with the best picture.
Try not to get too caught up in the numbers and stats...bottom-line, choose the one you like to watch.
Thanks for the advice guys. That is exactly what I need. I know with a 42 inch set that there is probably no noticeable difference but I have a small place and will be sitting pretty close, so I thought maybe the 1080p might make a difference. With that, I think I am going with the plasma. I'll have to take another trip to Circuit City to check them out though. Thanks guys.
I think that you can't make a bad decision if you pick based on what you see. I would make sure the contrast ratio is high though, so that fast movement won't create a pixelated image.
I just got back from Circuit City and I am quite sure I am not going to get an LCD. The picture looks much grainier compared to the plasmas and the colors are not nearly as vivid, even with the 1080p. I checked out a Vizio plasma and I am pretty shocked that it shows as nice a picture as it does. It was right next to an LG and the LG looked worse but cost $300 more (and is Korean). It makes me happy to see that Vizio is based in the US of A (although they probably get everything from China anyway).
When I got mine, the guy told me to look at the white parts of the picture. You can see the pixels better in the white part. I went with a 46 inch Sony 720p. I looked at the 1080p and I couldn't tell a difference...and you won't watching HDTV so I saved the money and put it towards my tv stand.
I am glad you have all this money to spend seeing as you are a student with no income...
hey what w/ the korean crack... there's plenty of good korean things... me, bulgogi, me
as far as tvs go, one important thing to check out (brand wise) is that the tv will have all the external connections you require now and in the future.
I'm with you Jae...LG (Korean) makes a fantastic matter what it is! Even my cellphone is LG.
Ahh, so Bryan is a Korean sympathizer. I will remember this when the Inquisition comes. Jae, you forgot to mention Kimchi. That stuff is quite tasty!
Oh yes, Kimchi is great. Nothing like eating cabbage that was packed in an urn and buried for like a solid month. Tasty
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