Tuesday, June 19, 2007

First choice said yes!

First I would like to say congratulations once again to Eric and Christina (Hooray, I get a sister! Hugs all around!). Secondly, I am proud to announce that I got my official acceptance letter to USF, providing I take undergrad biomechanics in the fall. I registered this morning, so it feels real enough for me to go ahead and let everyone know I'll be starting August 27th. From there it'll be about 5 semesters or so of seriously busting my ass and I will have my M.A. in Physical Education/Exercise Science. I'm also heavily considering a relocation closer to Tampa, but nothing's definite yet. I'll be sure to post with future news of my becoming a grown-up :o)


Alex said...

Congratulations! Five semesters will fly by. However, don't try and grow up too fast! Immaturity is way more fun, just ask Nick!

Leighton said...

Geez, all this good news! Congrats to you as well Amanda. Listen to Alex though, don't grow up too fast...it really isn't that much fun.:)

Anonymous said...

I second Alex, immaturity is the way to go. I act like an adult by day, but come on, who am I kidding?

Anyways, congratulations on your acceptance! Good luck too!

Chris said...
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Andrew said...

Amanda, that is freaking sweet. Congrats to you on that. You damn Mousseaus with all your good news. I have no such good news from Northern Virginia/DC

Chris said...

congrats, if you manage to couple personal immaturity with a grown-up paycheck you get bonus points.

Nick D said...

Hoorray for A Man Duh...that is awesome news. That is great you did not go home and just settle, quite impressive. And I second your notion of relocating closer to Tampa. And referring to Alex, thankyou I have managed to swindle a grown up paycheck out of AIG.

PS Dont you have some poo to pick up somewhere.

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha, ziiiiing

Logan said...

First off, Congrats to Amanda!

I second that about not growing up and getting a job. Having a real job isn't all its cracked up to be...wait a min... Nevermind.

Leighton said...

Damn you Logan.

Josh said...

Camden Preserve is nice in South Tampa, but closer to USF is definitely cheaper. St. Pete has some nice places too. I like chocolate milk.