Sunday, July 15, 2007

Show me the money!!

So as many of you know, I have spent the last year kicking-ass at my job at Capital Markets, and it finally paid off. Anyway, I had my 1 year review last week and it went exactly like I wanted it. I got top marks across the board and a ridiculous 20% bump in my salary! Just figured I'd share because I'm super excited. Oh, and I also started trading, so I'm officially a securities trader now!

PS. I'm hoping to get some pics of the office soon, just to show you all where I work.


Jae said...

congrats money man (you're so money!). you musta worked your tail off, good job. pics would be cool. i'd show you guys pics of my office, but then i'd have to kill you.

Anonymous said...

congratulations, good to see that bustin' your ass still works for some people. They just changed how we are going to get paid at my work so we will see how it works out.

Nick D said...

Congrats its about time they recognize the mad skillz you have. I remember how frustruated you were before its good to know it payed off (literally). Now remember dont spend it all in once place dear.

I am going to take the last part of the CPA exam right around my one year. So if all goes as planned I will probably be at a new job around December ish cashing in.

Logan said...

Congrats Man!! Keep it up! Let me know when you can make me some money!

Alex said...

Congrats! Good to hear that hard work pays off.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Lunchbox...good to hear you're doing so well!

Adam said...

Nice work, Bryan. It always nice to hear that friends are doing well and are happy with their work. Now if we can only get you to come up North...

Leighton said...

Well Adam, I will now have the money to do some traveling, so hopefully I'll be able to make it up soon!

Alex said...

I also need to look in to traveling. I have one week of vacation time to use before the end of the year. I think I can get time off in October or November.

Nick D said...

Alex & Bryan:

With the proper planning you could potentially visit three friends who live up North in one trip. Now divide the cost of a plane ticket by three and I am sure you would conclude we are each worth $70 or so...well maybe not the Brew Sack but Nick D and Cash Money (adam) fo sho.

Free places to stay and all the ladies you can handle. Dun and Dun.

Leighton said...

I'm with you Nick...I'm sure Alex and I could make that happen. Alex, let me know what you are thinking as far a time of the year you want to go.

Eric said...

Congrats, Bryan. Let me know if you and Alex start planning a trip up north, Christina wants to go to New England this fall and it would be great to meet up with everyone for a few days.

Adam said...

Eric, you guys are more than welcome to crash at my place if you choose to visit the land of the Red Sox. And if you pay $100 for a single standing room ticket you might be able to watch them in person.

Andrew said...

I say plan a trip to the NOrtheast in Early november, like after November 6th. Then you will get to see me, because before that I will be a ghost, unless you all want to come to DC and knock on doors.