Since everybody keeps asking who is doing what lets get this baby started. Everybody tell when/if you are coming home and how long your staying or any major plans you may have. And for the people who live in btown already (Mousseau's), feel free to participate so you do not feel left out.
My flight leaves JFK at 4:05 on Wednesday the 21st and I return to NYC on Monday. I will be looking to go out Wednesday fo sho and other then that I am not sure. I am undecided about the game on Saturday.
Nick to the D...out
I'm here, available Wednesday night, Friday, and maybe Saturday night. Give me a call, I'm up for anything.
I have to work the Friday after Thanksgiving, so I will not be coming down. Will be down for Adam's as of now though.
I'll be home sometime on Wednesday. I'll most likely be MIA during the days studying, but I'll make an except for the Florida-Florida State...wait, what time is it at?
5:00 PM is the official game time sir
Sweet, Nick what the deal in New York?! A-Rod wanting to come back and be a Yankee? Hell yeah.
If I get home, It will be on Wed night, then we go to Lakeland for the day on Thurs. Not sure yet but if I don't have to work, aka go fishing, I will be heading to Gainesvegas for the game.
I get in on Wed. morning and I am out sometime on Sunday. Bryan, glad to hear you will be making it after Christmas!
Sounds good everybody, come on real deal we need you.
Hell yea Rory, word on the block is he is doing this without Boras. A-Rod went to the to the Stein's and said he is willing to take less money because of the $21M the yanks were going to receive from the Rangers before he opted out. I think Boras might have screwed up. A-Rod is a diva and what better town for him then NYC. Bring him back baby!
I am arriving Monday afternoon and leaving the following Tuesday. Since I am currently unemployed it makes these times much easier. Jae and/or Jenny, how close are you all to New Mexico, there is a race there I am really wanting to run, if the right candidate gets in.
Yeah, I still live here. I will be frantically trying to balance work with studying... and finishing two research proposals and a take home final (yikes)... but somewhere in there I'd like to hang out if possible. Someone please call me and save me with beers!
drew, depends on where in new mexico... we're 2 hours to the new mexico border but it's another 4 hours to albuquerque
Amanda at first I thought you said save me some beers, and I am thinking well at that point it is every man/woman/rory for themselves.
However, we can save you WITH beers for sure. We will go to a place where the beer flows like wine and the women instinctively flock like the salmon of capistrano.
Haha, I like how I get my own categorial exclusion.
Well played Nick....well played indeed.
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