I was watching it last night and towards the end they had this pretty little young woman named Janet from Tampa who happened to have one arm, big hair, and is now a medical sales rep in Tampa. Anyway, is this Golden Girl Janet from FSU? It HAS to be!
BTW, she made it to Vegas!
Ok did you just say one arm??
I can't believe you watch that show! Just kidding, Jenny and I caught it as well. We also set up a series recording so we don't miss any more! I'm just in it for the breakdancing, and that pop-n-lock guy made me wet.
Okie dokie if any guys on this blog still have a penis attached besides me, please let me know.
PS J at least you tried to save face but the whole guy making me wet thing....ehhhh
Nick, Jae is married now, he has no more penis. I don't know what Bryan's excuse is though...
Well Logan, I figured since I no longer use mine, I might as well stop carrying it around.
Are you getting that old aready? Did it stop working? You need to see the Doc and get some of those blue pills. Maybe Alex can help you out on that one.
Alex has that good horse shit, that'll get your pony runnin' on all cylinders.
Well kids, mine is definitely in working order. In fact, it is locked and loaded for tonight. Now all I need to do is find the lucky target...
(I realize this post may open the door for your gay or masterbation jokes, in particular from Nick...so please save them, haha.)
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