Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Off to work again

I'm off to the Keys on the new boat until monday or tues. Whenever the bossman feels like coming home. We will be fishing for tuna, wahoo, dolphin (mahi), sailfish and there should be some marlin around too!

Don't worry, I wont miss the FL-GA game because we have satelite on the boat!

Have fun at your jobs and/or work.


Nick D said...

I despise this post with every ounce of my being. I hope you crash the boat and get stranded on a desert island, with not a single luxury. Like Robinson caruso, its as primitive as can be.

PS Catch a big one for me!!!

Adam said...

You are ridiculous, Nick. I can't believe a boat has TV on it! What will they think of next? Catch a Cuban on a cooler for me.

Leighton said...

Have fun...I guess...bastard.

Andrew said...

I hate you Logan. I am stuck working 15 hour days for and I have worked everyday (Saturday and Sundays included) since August 1, minus the trip to Germany. Ugh, I cannot wait for this to be over.

Nick D said...

Life is ridiculous Adam. Just prepare yourself for one week from now. Kick some ass on your exams!

Amanda said...

Guys, I work 40 hours a week IN RETAIL while attempting to be a full time grad student. I'm amazed each day that I wake up with my head still attached.