Lower payment? ....... check.
Lower insurance? ...... check.
~50 mpg? ................... check.
Some may even say this is an upgrade from my previous car, considering its green nature. I got it on Thursday but I'm just getting around to taking pictures of it today. I've driven it all over the place the past 3 days, putting about 300 miles on it using only a half a tank of gas! Not to mention I can finally get regular gas, my old one was premium only. So I'm the first one to go hybrid, what do you guys have to say about that?
My truck gets about 18 miles per gallon on the highway and I love it!
Mine gets 19.5 on the highway and that is better than my old truck!
Why don't you go hug a tree you hippie
HAHA...Drew. Congrats on the hybrid, but I can't believe you got rid of the GTI! I understand though...I hate my stupid car payment and premium gas. I average atleast 30 mpg though...so that isn't too bad.
Oh yea if you were a true hippie you would not own a car like me.
PS I hate the environment
I would second the "upgrade" status of this new car. If you want performance just grow a pair and buy a bike.
I think a drum circle is calling Eric's name. Next you'll be giving away your change to the homeless.
(Yes that was just two south park references)
What year is it?
it's an '03, had 43K miles on it.
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