Sunday, June 17, 2007

New TV

The rents surprised us yesterday w/ a trip to Costco (under the guise of a seafood purchase) to pick up this 46" Sony Bravia 1080p LCD behemoth.

Hooked it up in all of about 4 seconds and took a look at my first HD content on the 360.

mmmmmmm, pixels...


Chris said...

atta boy. Sweet aren't they?

Alex said...

I am extremely jealous! I desperately want an HD TV and I think it will be one of my first purchases once I start the job. I hope this means you will be on Xbox Live more often in the future.

Leighton said...

HD is the greatest ever, especially for the XBOX!! Welcome to the world of great entertainment!!!

Adam said...

I am definitely in the market for an HDTV, although a cheap end one (probably Vizio because they are cheap and seem to have a good reputation for value). What is your take on the Plasma/LCD battle? I am worried about LCD's low contrast ratio and slower refresh rate but am not a fan of plasma's delicacy and weight. I would love to have anyone's thoughts.

Chris said...

Adam I pick DLP for the most bang for the buck, It's what I have and I love it.

Adam said...

I totally agree about DLP but I am going to have a small apartment next year, so I am drawn to the flat panels for size reasons. I definitely appreciate the suggestion though. Now I just have to find some money somewhere.

Jae said...

plasmas have lost out in my mind. our friend had one and it hummed horribly. she took it back and got an lcd. if you don't want the flattest thing around, dlp is def. the way to go for value. even then, the dlps themselves are much thinner than the old crt and projections.

everyone start saving your money for the next generation of tv. oled's will be the next big thing. we're talking 20 mm thick tvs that are flexible (like paper). do a youtube search for oled.

Leighton said...

I must be in the minority, because Plasma is how I went. I researched and researched and researched and it basically came down to me walking into Circuit City and standing in front of them to compare. To me, plasma has a truer, crisper picture and more realistic, and vibrant colors. Fast motion on a plasma>LCD. Either way, you won't be dissapointed. Just my .02.

PS...I have not had a single issue with my it.

Chris said...

I got a 56" DLP and it only like 16" deep. It's the mirrors man,it's the mirrors