After being 14 1/2 games out of first place and, at one point, 8 games under .500, the Yanks are about to dominate the post-season. Now, I know your Indians are playing pretty solid ball right now, but you can't deny the dominance we have over you. 6-0 I believe!
But if the Yankees do lose to any team in the playoffs, I would rather it to the Indians. Screw Boston.
PS Oh yeah, I almost forgot about you Alex...Auburn sucks. haha!
Your right about the 6-0 part Zinn. However, they have not faced CC all year and one of them they barely beat Carmona. So I am not going to put to much stock in that record. The yankees offense is sick good so it should be fun to watch.
I am going to put forth some good effort to go to a game if I can. People are nuts up here so the only way I will be going is if I want to fork out the dough big time. I will let you know if I make it happen.
I really wanted to be able to root for the yanks this post-season, but it looks like you are my mortal enemy once again.
Least we agree on one thing, Fuck Boston.
PS Alex good luck this Saturday, seriously.
Thanks Nick! I hope the game is a good SEC match up. I know all the UF fans (Rory) are thinking it will be a walk in the park, but I think it will be closer than that. Hopefully, UF is more worried about LSU next week and we can come in and surprise them.
Good luck Gator fans! I hope you go down in flames, but I might be a little biased.
I know whatever the outcome you will show why you are the classest fans of the SEC. (Can you feel the sarcasm?)
Leave it to Alex to turn a baseball post into a college football discussion. Nicely done sir. Baseball is boring.
"Closer than the experts think!" That's my prediction in the AU-UF game.
And Alex, I think we can all agree that LSU fans are the worst.
Who cares about baseball anyway. It's only fun to play, or if you actually go to the game and drink lots of beer.
Logan has become quite wise in his old age! I agree with you Mr. Beal but I have to say that Bammer fans and their obsession with $aban is rivaling LSU.
I think Logan has figured out the only way baseball can be enjoyed.
Hey assholes take your damn football chatter elsewhere. This is serious post season trash talking. BASEBALL RULES!!
I would also say that kickball is a much better sport to play than baseball. WAKA, World Adult Kickball Association, was founded in DC and it has become an excuse to find a bar that will allow a bunch of 20-somethings to play flip-cup till they blackout.
I am glad to hear people hate on the Red Sux. What a bunch of lazy, underpaid homos. At least this town has one respectable sports team. Go Pats!!!
Adam, I agree with you on the first point....fuck the Red Sox and their whinny fans (no offense Eric, hahaha).
However, I couldn't disagree with you more on the second point. Fuck the Cheatriots too. J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS!
Just a quick comment on this topic, and it's not about the Red Sox (I'm not taking the bait you've been throwing out there). For those of you that are always saying baseball sucks because it's boring and the games don't mean anything, it just so happens that one of the closest and most exciting pennant races of all time is going on right now. 7 NL teams can make the playoffs, and no one has clinched their division with 3 games left to play. Not to mention the AL East still has to be decided, which will decide the matchups in the first round.
As Drew Carey proudly proclaimed
"Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks, Cleveland Rocks....OHIOOOOOO"
Well said Eric, and to Eric's point living in a City with one team battling to win the AL East and one team tail spinning out of control (Mets) is simply amazing.
Maybe I am just sick, but the Mets collapse is way more entertaining then anything else right now.
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