Thursday, October 18, 2007


Thoughts on Torre's decision to turn down $5 mil / 1 yr. with incentives? Good move if you ask me, that man is way too classy to take any more degrading bullcrap from that maniac. It will be interesting to see how the FA's react now that he's out as well... many have never played for another manager. Does anybody else think this is an astoundingly retarded move though? Seriously the guy brought as much good to the team as anyone in a ridiculous amount of years and they honestly think they'll be better off with someone else? Low blow to one of the greats, that's for sure. I must say however, with Torre gone there is officially nothing to like about the Yanks. Discuss baseball minders - all 5 of you... :o)


Leighton said...

I'll chime in here. I think it is sad what they did to Torre and I applaud his decision to turn it was insulting. Even if he did take it, he knew he would be in the same position next year. Torre is pretty much the only person I liked on the Yanks, he is a very classy guy and deserved better. I hope all the players leave. I hope they walk into Steinbrenner's office and lay their jerseys on his desk like in Rudy. Torre! Torre! Torre! :)

Nick D said...

Ok first that "offer" they made him was strictly a PR move. Which I am glad they did, it was only fitting that he rejected them after all the shit The Boss has put him through. I think this was the best move by both parties, although the Yanks may be regretting it in two years.

Torre is a very classy guy and going to the playoff's 12 straight years is a hell of an accomplishment. I am very interested to see how this effects people like: Rivera, Pasada, Arod and Pettite. All whom the Yanks want back and would be better with them on the rooster. It will be an exiting offseason up in the Big Apple.

I do not disagree with a change in the organization though, flush out some of these old hacks and bring in some youth. Bring in Giradi to coach them up and they could be good to go.

PS I am officially worried now about the Sox

Anonymous said...

Amanda, you're posts are funny. Being a Red Sox "fan" I figured you would have said something about the Red Sox know they had a game last night. But then again, Yankee news is always big news, I agree.

Nick is right. It was a total "PR" move (which was easy to see). But, I'd rather have Mattingly then Girardi. He's been one of my favorite players ever.

In the words of Manny Ramirez.."Its not the end of the world, there is always next season." HAHAHAHA, Go Tribe!

Nick D said...

You would rather have Donnie baseball as the coach eh? I has been mentoring under Torre so I do not think that would be a bad thing at all.

FYI Lofton should have just fucking knocked beckett and his little faggy goatee out. If for no other reason cuz he was slaying us. And damn Manny being so good, he owns the Tribe.

Anonymous said...

Hell yeah I would Nick. I've always liked Mattingly, he's one of those true Yankees...played his whole career in NY and plus was a captain! He seems like a player's coach too. Although, Girardi would be a great, don't get me wrong.

FYI...I heard Beckett uses that little faggy goatee to tickle the men he kisses. That's just what I heard.

Andrew said...

I was a fan of Mr. Mattingly, up until his soul patch. I am sorry, unless you are a complete turbo or a white trash dude on Crystal Meth, there is no reason for the soul patch. No matter how good DM was on RBI baseball, the second edition, that facial hair was unacceptable.

Amanda said...

And Rory, your posts are always retarded. Just because I am a "fan" am I not allowed to discuss anything other than the Sox? Would you rather my post say "the Sox won, eat shit all"? I knew they'd win with Beckett, and I know that if they won last night, they'll win out. I'll save that post for when it happens though. I am smart enough however to know when news is news, and a win is a win. I have no idea what you are agreeing with, as I never said Yankee news is always big news. Torre is big news though, as he is an incredible man and manager. Sorry for being unbiased in plain knowledge, I forgot only NY fans are ignorant. This is not why I posted this in the first place.

Anonymous said...

haha, bait taken.

Adam said...

You've heard it here first. My prediction is that Torre (and all his die hard players) will come to Tampa Bay, spawning a new era of baseball.

Something like this: It will begin with the four riders of the apocalypse and seven trumpeters bringing destruction (in the form of Hillary Clinton) to the world. A foul, beastly leviathan (Named Manny Ramirez) speaking in blasphemies (Spanish) will then rise from the sea (after floating here illegally) and usher in a new age of Red Sox dominion. All those following him (Red Sox nation) will be given the mark of the beast (those ugly B's on hats). Finally the Lamb (Joe Torre) will come to judge those with the mark of the beast and will redeem the 144,000 faithful (Devil Rays fans) and bring them to eternal paradise. (Ybor city after winning the World Series)


Logan said...

Yea Adam!!! Go D-Rays! Are they still in it this year? The World Series is coming up soon isn't it?


Andrew said...

No way in hell there are 144,000 Devil Rays fans. But I am glad that you are using that Religion major.

Jae said...

who is torre?


Anonymous said...

I believe Torre was an old wooden ship.