Friday, November 09, 2007

Big Football Weekend

Well this weekend is full of big games for our teams. After this weekend our team rankings could be drastically different. Two of our teams our playing ranked road games while one is playing spurrier. This weekend will go along way in determining whether our teams have a shot at titles and respectibility. Seminoles are going for there second straight road win over a top 12 team and needless to say I am exited as hell. Good luck to Auburn and the Gators this weekend. Oh yea and Go Browns (they are playing the hated Steelers, F them and their terrible towel). Here we go brownies, here we go, HOOO HOOO!

PS Come Sunday and maybe even Saturday this post will turn into some mad shit talking, none of this yeaa I hope all of our team wins crap. Which one of our schools will be the unlucky ones to reach that magical four goal.