I finally ordered internet today from Comcast because they are running a great special of $19.99/month for 6 months. So XBOX LIVE here I come!! Post up your tags if you got one! I should be on sometime next week.
Well, I won't be able to get back on Xbox Live consistently until I find a place to live. Hopefully, that will be soon. I will call you and give you my gamertag.
I will get your IM name from Jae or Eric, then send you the subscription number for the free month ok??
Well, I won't be able to get back on Xbox Live consistently until I find a place to live. Hopefully, that will be soon. I will call you and give you my gamertag.
d3ath d0c
Chris, my AIM name for work is bsl4cmc. I am on all the time. Thanks again!
Stealing is bad
My x-box live name is BSL=SJF
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