Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Brew Sack Legal Defense Fund

Check out the link. I used to send her more than 500 e-mails during my last job. And just to clarify, nothing I sent was at all related to what she testified about. But none-the-less in the near future I might be asking for donations to my Legal Defense Fund, Rory graduate law school very very quickly.


Andrew said...

Also, I almost took a job as her assistant at the beginning of the year. Fun Fun Fun.

Eric said...

What's the big deal? Were they 500 emails about the replacement of U.S. attorneys? It's not like they're going to call you to testify. You're definitely stuck on the shitty side of the political landscape right now, so that sucks.

Andrew said...

Of course not, my e-mails to her were all about congressional politics but alas my e-mails were probably submitted because key words probably popped up, like specific congressional districts. I just thought I would pass this on, because while you all are getting married, engaged or graduating post-graduate colleges, I am watching friends/co-workers testify before Congressional/Senate Committees.

Logan said...

What are you doing reading CNN anyway? I always thought you were a FOX news kinda guy.

Nick D said...

I echo logans sentiments. CNN is a load of shit, foxnews is where its at. I see all this political fallout as a way for you to rise to the top. Remember drew strength and honor.

Hey you can always just switch parties like bloomberg does depending on what race he wants to win...fucking sellout.

Andrew said...

You only get to switch parties once in your life, so I think I will wait till later in my life to switch parties, that is if I ever switch parties.

Adam said...

Same goes with being gay. And we all know Nick can never be straight again.