Friday, September 21, 2007


I am posting this because I am sure everybody knows about the two FSU players arrested and suspended. This is incredibly dissapointing to me, not only because these two guys have never been in trouble, but also the negative attention it brings. Are game against Bama is HUGE for us, a victory would probably put us back in the rankings and gain back some respect. Now all that will be talked about is this shit. The whole week of and during the game this is what we will hear, it will take away from the lure of FSU vs Alabama. I could give a shit about Joe Surratt, he is a back up fullback who has been hurt and was hardly going to see the field this year. For Geno Hayes this is huge he was our best linebacker, even though we are stacked at this position beyond belief his leadership will be missed. Surratt is charged with a Felony so he is up sh*t crick, Geno got charged with a misdemeanor(sp) so he will be better off. Everybody loves ripping FSU, like this shit happens all the time. And no matter what Bobby or FSU decides to do with these players he will be criticized immensely. The spotlight is greater on Bobby and on us for our past indiscretions and for just being who we were during the 90's.

I am not defending there actions by any means, the police report describes the situation pretty vividly. I hope they get penalized appropriately, and damn them for doing this too us. That being said I wish them the best and if they return the field I will root for them full on. GO NOLES!!!!!!...Roll the Tide.

PS This really sucks, nothign makes me sickier then seeing this on front page ESPN. Be smart with your responses, I never go into a battle unarmed.

"chance favors the prepared mind"


Nick D said...

Rory I am sorry this takes away from your day of glory. You know college football basically runs our lives anyway.

Anonymous said...

Haha, its alright bro. In fact, this is not exactly bad news for me! These frigging hoodrats need to grow up. Funny though, I almost went to Potbelly's last night but decided not to 'cause of the rain.

Logan said...

Ahhh Nick....The good ole Criminals are back.

Nick D said...

maybe we will start winning again:), i wanted to ask you rory did you have anything to do with this? you are very sneaky

Jae said...

after all that talk about spell checking, you didn't even use it on your post :P.

the taser is too tame, if you ask me i would have gone with rubber bullets.

Alex said...

I wouldn't worry about it too much Nick. If ESPN talks about it before y'all play Bama, they should mention the five or so Bama players that were arrested before the season started. All of these players were never suspended either. However, ESPN will likely only talk about FSU because Saban has deemed all bad talk of Bama illegal and he will kick the ass of anyone who disobeys!

Adam said...

"Are" does not equal "our," nor does "there" equal "their." Alas, the spell checker can't help with grammatical errors!

Jae said...

True enough, however "nothign" does not equal "nothing" and "sickier" does not equal "sicker". Amazingly enough, he got "misdemeanor" but asked for spelling help :).

Nick D said...

You know the shitty part was is I did use spell checker. That thing is useless.

Anonymous said...

Quite the suspension for Geno Hayes....not even sitting out the Alabama game?!?! Dare I say, bullshit. At least suspend the douchebag for a quarter or half!