Saturday, November 17, 2007

Heisman Votes

Now that Dixon is out of the Heisman race, I was just curious as to who everyone think should be the Heisman frontrunner.

For me, its definitely (and I know I'm biased) Tebow. His stats are ridiculous.


Nick D said...

This is a tough one. For me it is now between Tebow and Pat White.

Tebow has the best stats and is the whole offense, but his team will most likely not make a BCS game or win a conference title and could end up with 4 losses.

Pat White is just as important to his team as is Tebow and has some great stats of his own. Kind of in the national championship picture and definitely in the BCS picture.

To me it all comes down to the teams records at the end of the year. If WV has only 1 loss and gators have 3 or 4, no way you can give it to Tebow. However, if WV loses 2 and the Gator's keep it at 3 I say Tebow is the guy.

The final games will decide it and I think team record's is big. Brennan and McFadden will get some love but not worthy in my book. If I had to vote now I would say White, but Tebow is making it very interesting.

Anonymous said...

Just a little comparison.

Tim Tebow:
Passing: 2,871 YDS | 26 TD
6 INT | 68.5 CMP%
Rushing: 749 YDS | 20 TD

Pat White:
Passing: 1,251 YDS | 11 TD
2 INT | 69 CMP%
Rushing: 803 YDS | 10 TD

BTW, can't wait for the romp in the Swamp next weekend!

Leighton said...

I can't believe I am saying this, but I don't think it is even a contest. Tebow has done something no other player in history has done...20 passing tds and 20 rushing tds.

I personally do not think the team records matter a whole lot. At the end of the day...the Heisman is for the best PLAYER, not team. Clearly UF would be suffering without Tebow. Too bad for UF, Tebow can't play defense too:)

Also, look at those stats Rory posted...completely ridiculous. Let's be honest, give the trophy to Tebow now, and quit trying to create controversy in the media. If I hear the name 'Matt Ryan' and 'Heisman' in the same sentence one more time...I'm going to scream! That guy is no better than Drew Weatherford for god's sake. Speak of overrated!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Leighton. The sad thing is though, the voters do take in team records when vote. Thats why I'm thinking Chase Daniels on Mizzou might sneak in and win the Heisman.

Best overall player though, its gotta be Tebow. Hell, if he were a Nole it would be hard to deny for me too!

Alex said...

Unfortunately the Heisman race is not about being the best player. It is about being a leading offensive player on one of the best teams. Being the best player should include defense but the Heisman Trphy doesn't care about defense.

Tebow should definetly be inconsideration since no one else has stepped up. Pat White will get votes and McFadden should get some votes (he would probably win if he were on a decent team.) I also think the Kansas QB should get some love, but I don't think he should win it.

To be honest, I have no idea who should win the Heisman. I think the trophy is a joke considering that "the nation's best player" has to have a winning record when he is one guy on a football team roster. Anyway, I guess Tebow is the player to beat right now.

By the way, how about those fighting Sabans at Alabama? They sure did play one hell of a game against Louisiana-Munroe.

Anonymous said...

Charles Woodson was a defensive Heisman trophy winner...over Peyton Manning nonetheless. But I agree, its the offensive positions that get more credit in Heisman voting.

Nick D said...

At the end of the day it comes down to winning. Now there is not much more Tebow could possibly do to help the Gators. The fact remains that Chase Danies and Pat White have a great shot at making the Natinal Championhip. If that happens that will trump Tebows stats.

If neither of them makes it that far I would probably vote Tebow. If one of them does I would vote for one of them.

And as much as it should not matter but it does he is a Sophomore. We all know how often they win the award.

Nick D said...

And will somebody get me revved up with a thread about the game on Saturday. Is anybody esle as EXCITED as I am....GO NOLES...FUCK TEBLOW!!

Adam said...

Tom Brady for Heisman!!