Monday, October 08, 2007

Bring it on Sox

Well the Tribe reached the ALCS for the first time since 98 in grand fashion. Timely hitting and and good pitching won this one. The sox looked great, but you never know. I have faith in our pitching and hitting 100%. And around Wedn or so the whole city of NY will have my back as well. TRIBE PRIDE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CLEVELAND ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Zinna) your my boy blue!


Eric said...

Oh hells yeah, there's going to be some serious shit talking this weekend. See you Saturday! Maybe we'll have to watch Game 2 instead of being a tourist, we'll see.

Andrew said...

Eric, you might want to avoid rooting for the Sox in NYC. I am pretty sure someone got owned a few weeks back for that in NYC. But hey, I am just glad that no matter what the winner of the ALCS is going to get their ass handed to them by the Rockies...

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

That was a big win for you last know I got your back now. Go Tribe, haha!

Nick D said...

Oh yea I forgot I will have the enemy staying with me for a couple of days. Yea depending on the game time, you know I am in.

Drew trust me when I say much like the bugs in Cleveland there are Boston fans in NY. They come in swarms and they are annoying.

Nick D said...

Eric, I will call you on Friday probably before the game to iron out a few details.

PS I am sure you are well aware but it is supposed to cool down a bit this weekend. Finally some fall weather, woohoo.

Adam said...

Fall weather is the best!! Eric, you are hitting the northeast at a great time of year. It is supposed to rain all week in Boston so hopefully it will have ti all out of its system by the time you arrive. You never told me what you have planned for when you are here either...

Anonymous said...

Is baseball still on???I thought it ended in 1940

Eric said...

Vacation Plans:
Sat-Sun: Nick's Suggestion
Mon: NBC Studios, standby tix for Conan
Tues: Adam's Suggestion/Fenway
Wed: Whale Watching
Thurs: Adam's Suggestion/Sam Adams Brewery
Thurs Night-Fri: Family in RI
Sat-Sun: Aunt in Cape Cod

Adam said...

That sounds like a great trip. Whale watching is a lot of fun. I might suggest you looking online for tickets for one of those Duck Tours in Boston. They are very popular and drive you all over the city showing you everything. Since they are popular though, tickets can be a problem to get sometimes. Thursday you could do the Harpoon brewery in addition to Sam Adams. Drew and I went to Harpoon and it was fun. Anyway, looking forward to having you. The apartment is finally getting all finished with the renovations so you'll be the first to see it in all its splendor.

Nick D said...

I say we can kind of have a play it by ear type of thing. I am assuming you would like to see a few things specifically, bring some walking shoes my friends. And lets pray the weather holds up.