Thursday, July 26, 2007

Xbox 360 failure

My 360 has gone to the crapper. It is experiencing the "Three red lights of death" as described in the link in the title...

For those of you who don't know, Xbox 360s have some fundamental design flaw that causes a large number of them (rumored to be every single one of them) to fail. Microsoft has really stepped up to the plate, however, by extending the warranty by 3 years on all 360s.

I guess I am lucky in that mine failed when it did, hopefully I can get it repaired and back before Halo 3 & GTA 4 come out.

So I called up customer support and you know right off the bat that this is a huge problem because they have already worked the 'three-flashing-red-lights' problem into their automated messages. After waiting on hold for 30 minutes, I got through to an agent who helped me arrange for my prepaid shipping box to send my 360 out for repair or replacement. ETA on the shipping box is 3-5 days. I read online that some people got their box overnighted, we'll see I guess... ETA on the repair is 3-4 weeks (Yikes). I guess this gives me an opportunity to catch up on some house projects.

For my troubles, Microsoft is giving me a free 30 days of xbox live (a whopping $5 value). I guess they are hemorrhaging too much money on the shipping for all these defective consoles. Not to mention they lose money up front on every console they sell.

Believe it or not, this has not turned me off from the 360 nor Microsoft. I think they're really making of effort to correct their mistake. And I'm still over-all very impressed w/ the 360. After working in hi-speed circuit design now it's a no wonder they didn't get everything exactly right on the first try, that shit is tough :).


Leighton said...

Oh noes...the dreaded red ring of death! Sorry for the luck Jae...I'm sure mine is coming too! I just hope I finish Forza before it happens. I do agree with you though, it doesn't turn me off either...Microsoft has definately stepped-up, so it is hard to be mad at them.

Eric said...

I knew it was only a matter of time before it happened to one of you! On a side note, everyone that has a Wii needs to pick up Mario Strikers Charged on Tuesday, it's the first online game that's not called Pokemon. Prepare to get your asses kicked!

Nick D said...

Well that stinks for you jae and even more for Microsoft. Like you I will applaud them in there effort to minimize customer dissatisfaction. This has got to be one of the most costly oops in video gaming.

What is the deal with this game Eric? I am very interested.

Alex said...

I need to get the warranty through Microsoft to cover the console for a few more years. But if it dies within another year I have a product replacement warranty with Best Buy.

I agree with Jae. It sucks that 360's can crap out so easily but Microsoft is handling it well.

Leighton said...

Isn't the extended Microsoft warrany automatic? I was under the impression they made it a blanket warranty for all owners. If not, I need to register or sign-up.

Nick D said...

Logan Sucks

Anonymous said...

the warranty is good for all consoles. Mine went on the fritz as well, that is why I had a free month of xbox live to give to Bryan. They were very courteous and I got my xbox back in like 10 days. Of course it was like ten days of heroin withdrawals but whatever. From what I understand the problem is being traced back to faulty dvd drives, so I am sure the manufacturer of the part is footing some of the bill.

Jae said...

i was also under the impression that the warranty was auto-magic. you have to register (i didn't register before my 360 went out, the guy did it w/ me on the phone) but that's all.

Adam said...

Eric, I saw that game online and it looks pretty fun actually, even despite the fact that you can play online. I haven't bought a single game for my Wii since I got it. There just really hasn't been a whole lot that looks any good. it sucks starting a system with a game like Zelda which was so completely awesome. What does anyone have that they enjoy?? I think that Super Mario Galaxy should be cool when that ever comes out though.

Eric said...

< geek >
I currently own:
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Tiger Woods '07
Super Paper Mario
Mario Party 8
Mario Strikers Charged (pending)

... purchased or received in that order. The games are all worthwhile, although I must say Zelda, Tiger Woods and Paper Mario are all especially good. There is a good string of games coming up including Strikers Charged, Madden '08, Metroid Prime: Corruption, Super Mario Galaxy, and the game to top all games, Super Smash Bros Brawl. Not to mention due to its popularity the Wii currently has the most 3rd party games in production so there will be more to come.
< /geek >

Jae said...

an update on this, i received my postage-paid box this morning