Monday, May 28, 2007

News / Video bar worthwhile?

How many people use the News and Video bar on the right side of the page?

I added a random tshirt to the side-bar. If you buy a shirt through that link, I get $4.


Leighton said...

Got to be honest here...I don't use either.

Eric said...

ditto... You could replace it all with gibberish and I wouldn't notice a difference, I'm a left column only user.

Jae said...

sounds good, and assuming you two are in the majority i'm going to get rid of em since it'll probably help load time quite a bit. it was a good experiment while it lasted, but it wasn't meant to be

Nick D said...

Yes I must echo there sentiments, but good looking out for us Jae.

Anonymous said...

any chance it gets replaced with a column of dirty pictures??

Jae said...

as you wish

Anonymous said...

Woah I like the Dirty Picture Jae

Jae said...

im a dirty boy