Sunday, October 21, 2007

Bowden's Moving? ...So it begins again in Tallahassee.

On a side note, I am in no way whatsoever a Seminoles fan. In fact before I went to Florida I liked Miami, which added to my distain of the Noles. However, after what I witnessed this weekend regarding Miami fans, I couldn't help but want the Canes to lose. I've never meet a more obnoxious and ridiculous set of fans (wors than Noles, no disrespect fellas, haha). I probably witnessed about 7 fights at AJs on Friday night, all started by Miami trash who look like they have never set foot on a college campus. I really wish the Noles would have won, at least to get those pieces of shit out of town for the night.


Nick D said...

Yes they are pieces of shit, watch next week piece of shit looking person in Tally will have on Miami jerseys.

Jae said...

is it just me or does nick's comment make no sense?

Nick D said...

insert "every" after week, and then you can mistake it for english.

Anonymous said...

Come on Jae, you should know "Nick-speak" by now. Its gotten to the point where I can easily decipher his run-ons, spelling errors, and overall grammatical inconsistencies.

Nick D said...

FUCK BOBBY BOWDEN AND OUR ENTIRE COACHING STAFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Weatherford is starting again...

Anonymous said...

Ouch, that can't be good.