Alright boys, let's hear it. Who has it, who is going to get it. For those that are members, I got mine for $10 below MSRP (49.99) at Costco. Sam's might have an equivalent deal.
how Ironic I ordered Halo 3 a couple months in advance so i would get it on the day it comes out, but the shipping was delayed in Orlando so I don't get it until tomorrow. Damn you Jae and Costco too =)
I picked mine up at Target yesterday. First time ever playing any of the Halo series, and I must tell is hard so far. I run out of ammo too fast.
Anyone want to buy me a 360, wireless adapter, and HDDVD drive?... Didn't think so... I'm still drawn to the PS3, but I'm not convinced BluRay will last and having an HD player is the biggest reason I'd consider either system.
anyone done the online co-op yet? i saw alex has already beat chapter 5, but for those slow-pokes like me who are on chapter 3 i think we should try the co-op out.
Picking up a XBL membership tonight, so I want to try co-op soon. I do want to get through single player a little more since I am such a Halo noob and suck. I finished lvl 1 last night. yay.
Already got it!
how Ironic I ordered Halo 3 a couple months in advance so i would get it on the day it comes out, but the shipping was delayed in Orlando so I don't get it until tomorrow. Damn you Jae and Costco too =)
I picked mine up at Target yesterday. First time ever playing any of the Halo series, and I must tell is hard so far. I run out of ammo too fast.
Anyone want to buy me a 360, wireless adapter, and HDDVD drive?... Didn't think so... I'm still drawn to the PS3, but I'm not convinced BluRay will last and having an HD player is the biggest reason I'd consider either system.
anyone done the online co-op yet? i saw alex has already beat chapter 5, but for those slow-pokes like me who are on chapter 3 i think we should try the co-op out.
eric, i bet you could get a premium 360 off ebay pretty cheap since kids are probably trying to offload theirs to pick up the elites.
Picking up a XBL membership tonight, so I want to try co-op soon. I do want to get through single player a little more since I am such a Halo noob and suck. I finished lvl 1 last night. yay.
my damn xbox broke...again. I am pissed beyond belief.
ring of death problem again? from what i hear you will probably get a free game this time.
shit, give that man a free elite or halo edition xbox, screw the game.
this time its a no disc error. If you see Bill Gates I will give you $50 to punch him in the face then send me a picture
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