by that same logic we should be preparing for a martian invasion, because the consequence of not preparing would be the extinction of the entire species. Its not one part of the logic that is flawed, it the whole logic process he is using.
I agree with Chris. This guy must have been all hopped up on mountain dew, pepsi and hippie propaganda when he came up with this. We have to spend ourselves into a depression or risk the apocalypse?? How does he suggest we spend all this money to prevent global warming? Too generalized, and no solutions for my taste.
I didn't gather the point of the video to suggest what we need to do. The point was that without knowing if global warming is or isn't happening, the obvious conclusion is to ere (sp?) on the side of caution. He even admits that the cases he has shown are on the extremes but that the same conclusion can be drawn with more reasonable possibilities.
Jae the side of caution according to his argument is to do nothing, by doing something about it we are causing a global depression regardless of whether there is a problem or not. In this case the side of caution would be to do nothing until more data can be collected showing whether it is really a problem. As a note in the mid 1970's the media and talking heads were warning that "global cooling" was going to issue in a new ice age. I'll take my chances until science can give me hard facts about what is going on
by that same logic we should be preparing for a martian invasion, because the consequence of not preparing would be the extinction of the entire species. Its not one part of the logic that is flawed, it the whole logic process he is using.
p.s. goddamn hippies
I agree with Chris. This guy must have been all hopped up on mountain dew, pepsi and hippie propaganda when he came up with this. We have to spend ourselves into a depression or risk the apocalypse?? How does he suggest we spend all this money to prevent global warming? Too generalized, and no solutions for my taste.
I agree with what you guys have said... I found it funny that he stated that we must do something but didn't say what we needed to do.
I didn't gather the point of the video to suggest what we need to do. The point was that without knowing if global warming is or isn't happening, the obvious conclusion is to ere (sp?) on the side of caution. He even admits that the cases he has shown are on the extremes but that the same conclusion can be drawn with more reasonable possibilities.
Jae the side of caution according to his argument is to do nothing, by doing something about it we are causing a global depression regardless of whether there is a problem or not. In this case the side of caution would be to do nothing until more data can be collected showing whether it is really a problem. As a note in the mid 1970's the media and talking heads were warning that "global cooling" was going to issue in a new ice age. I'll take my chances until science can give me hard facts about what is going on
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