Well ladies and Gents the NFL draft is this weekend where we can sit there and dedicate nearly a whole weekend to sitting on our ass and watching names pop on a screen and of course gaucking at Mel Kiper's hair. So be sure when you are sitting on your couches watching your big screen's (in J's case his hand held TV) sipping on your fine Busch Light with a hefty portion of Nachos and Pretzels, be sure to keep one eye open for me. I will be one of the few idiots dressed in BROWNS gear cheering/booing for the picks on saturday. I will gladly cheer or boo for your favorite team if they dont pick who you want just let me know.
Details: Start handing out tickets at 6AM able to get in line at 5AM. So will prob be leaving the apartment at 4:45ish. Doors open at 11 with the line starting at 10. It will be held in Radio City Music Hall. I plan to stay for the entirety of the first round depending on how board I get maybe the whole first day. And the price of admission....the wasting of a full day on nothing. FREE!!!!
Now the price of food and drink while in attendance I would rather not think about.
That's cool, we'll def. keep an eye out for you. I think if you wore a gator hat you'd be easier to pick out.
Awesome Nick...when the Jets pick comes up I want to hear you shout out "J-E-T-S, JETS JETS JETS!"
Rory your request will be easily accomadated because I like doing that chant...and Thej I can also go as the easter bunny but that's not happening either.
I was on TV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If you tivo'd it check when quinn got picked standing next to an orange browns sign and a hot chick. Confirmed by a few people. WOOHOOOOOO
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