Friday, December 31, 2010

Can't think of a group who'd appreciate this more...

For those that don't know about history... here is a condensed version:

Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters & gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer, and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the winter. The two most important events in all of history were the invention of beer and the invention of the wheel. The wheel was invented to get man to the beer. These were the foundation of modern civilization and together were the catalyst for the splitting of humanity into two distinct subgroups: Liberals and Conservatives.

Some men spent their days tracking and killing animals to BBQ at night while they were drinking beer. This was the beginning of what is known as the Conservative movement. Other men who were weaker and less skilled at hunting learned to live off the conservatives by showing up for the nightly BBQ's and doing the sewing, fetching, and hair dressing. This was the beginning of the Liberal movement.

Some of these liberal men eventually evolved into women. They became known as girlie-men. Some noteworthy liberal achievements include the domestication of cats, the invention of group therapy, group hugs, and the concept of Democratic voting – to decide how to divide the meat and beer that conservatives provided. Over the years conservatives came to be symbolized by the largest, most powerful land animal on earth, the elephant. Liberals are symbolized by the jackass for obvious reasons.

Modern liberals like imported beer (with lime), but most prefer white wine or imported bottled water. They eat raw fish but like their beef well done. Sushi, tofu, and French food are standard liberal fare... another interesting evolutionary side note: most of their women have higher testosterone levels than their men. Liberals also invented the designated hitter rule because it wasn't fair to make the pitcher bat too. Most social workers, personal injury attorneys, journalists (but not all!), dreamers in Hollywood and group therapists are liberals.

Conservatives drink domestic beer; mostly Bud, Coors, or Miller. They eat red meat and still provide for their women. Conservatives are big game hunters, rodeo cowboys, lumberjacks, construction workers, firemen, medical doctors, police officers, engineers, corporate executives, athletes, members of the military, airline pilots, railroad men, and generally anyone who works productively.

Conservatives who own companies hire other conservatives who want to work for a living. Liberals produce little or nothing. They like to govern the producers and decide what to do with the production. Liberals believe Europeans are more enlightened than Americans. That is why most of the liberals remained in Europe when conservatives were coming to America (they crept in after the Wild West was tamed and created a business of trying to get more for nothing).

Here ends today's lesson in world history: it should be noted that a liberal may have a momentary urge to angrily respond to the above, while a conservative will simply laugh and be so convinced of the absolute truth of this history that it will be forwarded immediately – to other true believers and to more liberals just to piss them off. Let your next action reveal your true self... I'm going to have another beer.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Years Btown

So we have discussed this, but have not yet nailed down any plans. Not that we have to have anything big time planned out or have anything set in stone. However, seems like over what was discussed so far going over the Kanzler's house was the best. If anybody has any other suggestions or ideas let's lay them out and see what else is out there. Maybe we can go out to the Fasoli's beach house haha, sans Fasoli of course......

Whatever the case may be I challenge you Rory to a on bitch.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Can I Have the Envelope, Please...

The good news keeps on rollin'...'s a boy :)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Baby Announcement & Merry Christmas

For those of you that haven't already heard, we're expecting! We made the announcement to everyone present at Nick's party this afternoon. Christina is currently at the 12 week mark and the due date is July 7th. I recently acquired the domain and have started a blog for keeping family and friends up to date on the pregnancy and eventually the new addition to the family. If you would like access, email me at eric(at) and I will send you an invite. Merry Christmas everybody!

Sneaky Beaver

I show this guy what I really think of his RCXD.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm on a plane

With free wifi. It's really slow though. Exciting huh....

Christmas Plans

So Holly and I were FINALLY able to nail down some travel plans for Christmas. We will be traveling Christmas day and will get into B-Town close to midnight @ the Kanzler house. For those willing to stay up and have a beer or two with us...we would appreciate it. We will stay until after dinner Tuesday so hopefully we will get to see most of you (not sure who will still be around). Also, Alex mentioned shooting, so I will bring my gat so we can pop a few caps. Word.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

[L] - The blog needs a new title

Unless you're a Temple fan...

For Rory

Here's the video I was talking about...

[L] Merry Christmas, Pats fans...

... and/or non-fans of Peyton Manning (all others need not read - you surely won't find it as awesome as, say, Eric and Adam will).

Monday, December 20, 2010

Drop Shot Tomahawk Miss

I drop shot just as he throws his tomahawk. In the first-person view you can see his 'hawk bounce off the wall and drop in front of me...

...I win

Funny stuff

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Looks great! Little full... lotta sap...

I give you: the Mousseau family Christmas tree!

... and my Chandler Bing :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Warrior Dash {L}

What's up my blogging friends. Me and a couple of people up in Tampa were thinking about doing this event that is linked above. We are probably going to be signing up before the New Year let me know if you are interested. It seems to fit the idea of a good time: Close, Affordable and Fun. Also, if we convince Rorina to do it we can place bets on who wins out of us two. Let me know....

Nick D ( Saint Nick) this time of year.....

Monday, December 13, 2010

[L] This is for You Nick

I'm not able to embed the video, but hopefully this will take you to it... I almost peed.

(not really, but still... hilarious)

[L] Them Cheatin' Jets

Rory, your team better come down hard on this guy...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Hire

So how do you guys feel about this? This seemed pretty off the radar for me mostly because they only mentioned names with people with head coaching experience. Obviously Texas has been pretty solid for a while and he has a good rep around the nation.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

So this is happening again

Urban Meyer is resigning as UF coach. Depending on if this is actually true or just him playing again, Urban might be a bigger douche than Brett Favre.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

College Bowl Mania

Well it was a fun and eventful college football season, like they always are. Obviously some of us enjoyed it more than other and for once it was FSU and especially Auburn fans. Anyway let's everybody sign up and pick all the bowl games to prove how much you really know about college football. Hope to see most of you around for the holidays where I plan on bragging about my perfect record. Alex I titled the group name in your honor and you know it is not something good. I will leave you with a quote from one of my favorite holiday movies.

Website: ESPN
Group Name: Pay to Pick
Password: nole

"Your fucking with me, you sit there like the dead lice are falling off you then your like like sea biscuit across the board"

Monday, December 06, 2010

More Tree

So this isn't as spectacular as Eric's tree. It is minimalist. We decided that since there is absolutely nowhere to put our tree inside our house that we would put it outside on the deck. It is right outside the door, so we can see it very easily and it also doubles as outdoor decoration. As an added benefit it gets covered in snow and looks even more festive! Now if I can only figure out how to prevent the water in the tree stand from freezing...

This was taken after I got home from work. (Yes, it is pitch black at 4:30pm up here and yes I get home from work before 5)
This was taken this morning. We were supposed to get a light dusting of snow today. It has been snowing all day long.

Friday, December 03, 2010

New Camera

With the little one on the way we decided it was time to step into the DSLR realm.

After sitting on the fence for a while between the Canon Rebel XS and the Nikon D3000 we decided on the Canon. We had originally planned on picking up a kit at Best Buy on black friday but ended up finding a better deal online.

This is the kit we picked up off Amazon:
  • Rebel XS Body
  • 18-55mm Lens
  • 75-300mm Lens
  • 8GB Card
  • USB card reader
  • Spare battery
  • Carrying case
Battery is currently charging so no fun w/ it yet. I find it funny that I had to take a picture of my new fancy camera on my old P&S.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Show us your tree!

and the obligatory picture of Moose...

Post some links to you pictures in the comments! Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

[L] Alabama official approved songs

Well, it looks like Alabama had to fire somebody, so the guy that got canned appears to be the fall guy. Do the rednecks still seem classy?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bamer PA Fired {L}

Alex I know you mentioned this to me and I thought you would like to see this. See looks like they do have a little class after all. Personally I thought it was hilarious, but if I was in your shoes would probably hold your viewpoint as well...:)

Nick D

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Steve Mustachio

All good things must come to an end. The punctuation point on an embarassing season. Miscues and misses applenty this year, all attributable to one man. At this point one has to look to the head coach to pull the trigger on the person that is bound and determined to sink Florida football. Steve Addazio will call a game without any considerations for the other teams strengths. Enjoy the win FSU, lord knows it has been a bit since the last one.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Black Ops

Here's a video to support my claim...

I'm going to go out on a limb here but it has to be said. Black Ops isn't very good. I know I'm not alone in this sentiment. I find this installment of the series much less enjoyable to play. At times it even feels like work. I feel like I should like it because it is new and shiny. But all it does is take, and never gives anything back. Here are a few reasons why I am really starting to hate this game.

The single player campaign on veteran is down-right impossible
Anyone who has started their veteran campaign must be feeling my pain. I have spent hours at a time making zero progress on the storyline, that is not enjoyable. A word of wisdom to Treyarch, they're called "checkpoints" fucking use them. Why make me spend 20 minutes battling inch by inch killing everything on the screen because the AI on my team can't find it in their hearts to shoot anything just to make me do it all over again when a grenade pins me down with nowhere for cover? I beat both MW2 and W@W on veteran thinking they were really hard but enjoyable, BO on veteran is not enjoyable at all.

Multiplayer Spawns
On more than one occasion I have had the opposite team spawn immediately off-camera from me and kill me. Just because they are off of my camera, that just means I won't shoot them immediately. It doesn't mean they won't kill me immediately. wtf.

The Multiplayer Maps Suck
Maybe it's just because I haven't learned them yet, but I don't enjoy any of the maps. It's not easy to follow the flow of the game and whenever I spawn, it takes me 5-10 seconds to figure out where I am. For contrast on Reach, I can spawn and pick up on where I am within a second or two. Given that I respawn on average 15 times a game, that is a lot of the game time essentially wasted. It also seems like every map is a camper's paradise. It's like within a week of the game coming out, everyone had found every box that they could stand behind and be practically invisible (and invincible). Hanoi is absolutely terrible for this. I dread playing that map.

I'm still willing to play this game, and God knows I'm an achievement whore so I will have to eventually finish my veteran campaign. But suffice it to say that I don't look forward to playing Black Ops like I did with MW2 and Reach.


In light of the recent post about the UF-FSU rivalry. I thought I would share some of the fans of Auburn's rival.

There are more examples, but this should help everyone see why I no longer live in North Alabama.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"The Game"

Well it is hear the annual game between FSU and FU. Lately it has not been much of a game as UF has pretty much clocked us the last couple of years. This year it will definitely be a different story, not saying FSU will dominate, but I think this game will come down to which team shows up. I think FSU is better on offense and special teams, defense might be a push, but the Gators certainly hold the mental edge which is huge. This game would be to the Gators what it used to be for FSU a way to end a dismal season on a high note. For FSU a win over UF would make this our best since since 2005 and maybe even 2003 (if Maryland beats NC State and we go to the ACCCG.)

Either way UF offense has mostly been shutdown by good defenses, but I don't think FSU is on that level so I expect a close game. I do think FSU will pull this out and defeat the Gators for the first time in forever. This could be a great year for first year head coach Jimbo Fisher....defeating UF and Miami in one year...

Bottom line is F the Gators and I hope you get a taste of defeat and a mediocre bowl season with no answer in sight for next year. Maybe you guys can rotate 4 players in at QB??? Think that might help.

PS Good luck Alex hope you win let the trash talking begin!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Bradenton Herald

So I was in the paper the other day...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

New gear, new hobby

I should be posting some higher quality pictures from now on following the arrival of my birthday present. It's a Sony SLT-A55V with the 18-55mm kit lens. Also pictured are some used Minolta AF lenses I picked up online. It's going to take some time to figure out what I'm doing, but even the first pics are way better than the old P&S. Anyone else on the blog using an SLR? Tips?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Do you all plan on being in Btown for Thanksgiving or Christmas? Just curious to what your plans were to see if we would be able to see you. I thought my mom mentioned you would be home for one of the two, but could not remember which one.

I would ask about the Fasoli's, but alas I know you guys will not be in town ending our glorious run of sausage making during the holiday season. Don't worry though I am still game for figuring out a long weekend where we can make that happen.

The Nick

Monday, November 15, 2010

New blog title

Nice change, Jae! Very appropriate! Hopefully, for Rory's health, Urban will pull the trigger.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Really Clever 3D Effect for Wii

This is from back in '07 but a co-worker just brought it to my attention...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

[L] Deficit Commission Statements

What do you guys think? They seem to be saying a lot of things that I have heard on this very blog. Who knows, maybe they were trolling us for suggestions :).

Drew, I am not familiar with the process but I guess they need 14 out of 18 members to sign off before it can even get in front of congress. What do you think the likelihood of that happening is? Will it even resemble the same advice by the time they get enough yeses?

In my opinion, if this would have come out prior to the Nov 2nd elections, I think the dems would have done a lot better. I think a lot of the backlash landed on the dems due to deficit concerns.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

[L] - And all is right with the world

Did anyone else see the show last night? He kind of limped in with the quality of guests for the first show, but I thought he was funny. The jam session with Jack White kicked ass, it would be cool if he played along with his musical guests on a regular basis.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Remember to vote

Not that I have to tell anyone here but remember to vote. Big election today. I got about an hour of sleep last night. I am running on Rockstar and Diet Coke at this point. By this time tomorrow you will not be seeing any more political commercials.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Halloween '10

Happy Halloween from Don and Betty Draper...

...and Ava the Cat...

..."I can't believe they would do this to me. How embarrassing."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Happy Bday Leighton

Not trying to sound big time or anything, but this will be the 3rd different type of electronic media I have used to wish you a Happy Bday. Grant it the only reason I remembered the exact day was because of Facebook, but hey that is not important.

J is there a Birthday App for this blog that could be useful for you non Facebook fools.

Once again Happy Bday Mr. Clean.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


We need to work together like this...

[L] Universal Gripper

The robotic hand of the future

Pretty cool, uses coffee grounds in a latex balloon under vacuum to hold on to things. Click title for full article.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

[L] Fire Urban Meyer?

I was wondering what the Gator fans on this blog thought about this site.

I know it hasn't been a good year, but this site seems extremely ridiculous.

Wango Tango

This is probably the greatest campaign picture ever. Ted is a friend of a supporter of ours. They hunt together. Bad Ass is all I can say.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

ugh... it's half-time and scoreless. it's been a while since we've had one of these seasons. congrats to the noles, it's hard to turn the ball over that much and come out ahead but you pulled it off. also, wtf alex? i'm not used to seeing that kind of scoring come out of au. congrats on the highest scoring regulation game ever in the sec.

anyway, i'm secretly hoping for a shut-out so that we can finally ditch adazio. i'm going to start taking a shot after every score, my guess is i'll be stone-cold sober at the end of the game.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Another Round

Well the great thing about college football is every weekend seems like a crucial weekend. For FSU it is to see if we can beat a inferior opponent after having a huge victory last weekend. Sadly FSU has not won 5 straight games since 2005 (last time we were relevant). For UF it is a chance to bounce back and right that ship. While the offense still seems to be in a funk the Gators still control their own destiny in the SEC. Last but not least well we know what is at stake here for Auburn SEC West crown. While I think each team in the SEC West will have at least one loss this game is big because while Auburn did win they had no business in being in such a close game last weekend.

FSU @ BC - FSU teams of the past 4 yrs would have dropped the ball on this one I don't see that happening now that we have a real coaching staff and better players. Plus BC is not as good as they have been in previous years. Might be a little close at half, but I expect us to keep our streak of 20 pts victories going and extend it to five games. FSU 38-13. Rolling into a huge Thursday night game at NC State....

Miss St @ UF - While State is better then years past I just can't see UF dropping three straight. Then again I ever would have thought a UF offense would be ranked near 100th in the nation. None the less I expect UF to keep there SEC hopes alive with a victory, hey any win is a good win. UF - 23-17

Akansas @ AU - This game figures to be great and I will be honest my pick is purely going off home field advantage and the fact I want Auburn to win haha...I do expect Cam Newton to do is thing and Mallet to melt down again in the 4th Qtr...AU 31-27

Heading to Tally this weekend to take in my second home game of the year...god I love being back in the state of FL...GO NOLES.

Nick to the D...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

[L] Netflix on PS3 goes disk-free

Good news for the PS3 owners out there (me), as Netflix streaming has gone from disk based to an installable app. It's now the only device to offer streaming at 1080i and 5.1 surround.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vegas Pics

We didn't take too many pics but here's what we have...

Friday, October 08, 2010


I am not now nor have I ever been an active poster, but I am an active monitor of this site. I do occasionally post items as occurences of an interesting nature occur, and I am able to frame them in an interesting manner for consumption. I think the highest price paid for the Internet is that any idiot with a keyboard can write anything under the protection and guise of anonymity. I like that fact. The best part of news articles on the Internet is reading the paranoid, racist, homophobic, ignorant, and downright silly comments that follow. The Internet is the proper place for idiocy, it is inocous. I like freedom of speech, but not when it interferes with private personal ceremonies. In this instance I refer to that walking billboard for moonshine abatement that stages protests outside military funerals to spread their message. Being stupid and crazy is not a crime, but doing so at a time when a father is in the process of burying a son used to warrant a brick to the face and police officers looking the other way. Where did human decency go?

Big time CF Weekend

Well all three of our school's have late night prime time games. This weekend will go along way to help determine what type of team FSU and UF have. Luckily for both of us our "division" in our conference blows so making the conference championship game remains a real possibility even with losses this weekend and to be very honest we both should make it that far. However, losses this weekend will probably drop UF out of the rankings and FSU definitely out. I F'N hate Miami and cannot wait for this game...I

FSU @ Miami: Well this game is huge for obvious reasons. I don't even want to over analyze it and tell you what needs to happen for FSU to win, but the main thing will be forcing JOKEery Harris into throwing those INT's that he so loves to throw. We are two very evenly matched teams who straight up hate each other. For FSU this is our chance to show we are a top 15 team deserving of some accolades. This game will very exciting to watch as our all FSU v U games, I expect this game to come down to the last drive. Both of our defenses have shown great signs of life after getting embarrassed in week 2. FSU leads the nation in sacks and I expect us to SACK Harris. FSU 27 - 24

LSU @ UF: I expect this game to be pretty "boring" to watch by that I mean I expect both defenses to dominate. To be honest I don't know how LSU is undefeated thus far this year and ranked in the top 10. They look inept on offense and have horrible game strategy. UF's offense looked a lot like it did the first couple of weeks and it will probably struggle again against a very good D. Still I expect UF to pull this one out and finally give LSU the loss they have long been deserving this year. UF 17-13

Auburn @ UK: Auburn should continue to roll up the points and stick it to Kentucky. Kentucky will probably score a few points here, but this should be a pretty solid win by Auburn. AU 38-24

Colgate > Princeton 27-13

GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 07, 2010


Well for me it already seems like forever ago and I'm ready to go back. Apart from NY/NY bending me over the craps table and giving it to me hard and dry twice, I had a great time this past weekend in Vegas. I think we squeezed an amazing amount of the touristy things into the few days we had. Too bad the Gators couldn't pull it off because that would have been icing.

Time to start planning another group trip...

Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Hey everyone, I've been lacking on the blog because of these 70 hr weeks. Rory can attest to the hours.
Anyway, part of my job is to let as many people as possible know what it is I do.
I help people plan for retirement, plan for children's education, and reduce income tax liability among other things. If you ever have any questions about any of those, please let me know.
That being said, please shoot me an email with your address so I can send you a thank you note.

Most of you have my email address but those that dont, it's my first and last name

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Prediction Time

Well last week both Auburn and FL played some good football as did FSU. This week FSU has a ACC road game, but should win and UF well I think we know who they are playing. I think Auburn is playing Colgate this week, but I am not to sure on that one. Anyway it was a good weekend of college football, this weekend should prove to be a little more interesting with some more Top 25 matchup's.

FSU @ UVA - Virginia looked pretty good in losing to USCsr 17-14, however there only two wins are against 1AA schools. I expect FSU to go out and handle business and get our first road victory under Jimbo Fisher. FSU 24-10....not a blowout, just a solid victory and our defense proves it is making extreme progress. FSU defense leads the nation with 19 sacks this year.....

UL Monroe @ AU - Ummm....Auburn wins handily and Newton gets some more Heisman buzz after another monster game 45-17

UF @ Bama - The game of the week folks this should be a good one. I honestly had a good feeling UF might pull this out, but with Demps possibly slowed a little it changes my opinion. If Demps is slowed UF might struggle to score some without him. I think this game is very close come 4Q and then Bama wears down UF's D with their two running backs. Bama 24-21...UF then will have the same record as FSU.....

PS This blog has about as much diversity as MHS did, over the last month 75% of the posts have come from me or J. Do we need to bus in some posts from other blogs to spice this up much like we bused kids in from Palmgetto??

Nick to the big D

Thursday, September 23, 2010

College Football Weekend

Looks like we have some good games again this weekend, unlike last weekend. First just wanted to let you btown folks know I will be down watching the the FSU game with my dad and then I am going to hang around for the evening. FSU plays at 3:30 and I know Auburn and UF play later so I will see what you guys are up to. Let's get into some predictions:

FSU v Wake: FSU will win easily score prediction is 45-17. Wake has no defense and their offense is based off of rushing. It might be close at the end of 1Q, but I see no major problems here and FSU should have it's 2nd straight convincing win.

UF v UK: I expect this game to be much like the other UF games, but I think this is the best team you have faced all year offensively. I expect UF to win because it is at home and the defense is good. UF wins 24-21...close game prediction.

SC v AU: I hate to do this Alex, but I don't see Auburn pulling this one out after last weekend. I think this game is going to be awesome to watch just like Auburn's last game with Auburn coming up just a little short. 27-24.

Nick "Vin Diesel"

Rory I owe you a Bday drink sir......

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Happy Bday Rory

I want to wish a Happy Bday to my arch nemesis....The only reason I am doing this is because you are now that much closer to 30 and I know that does not make you happy. Have a good one buddy!

PS I plan on being in btown this Saturday I will hit you up.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Halloween Horror Nights

Hey everybody if you are in the mood for some fun and a good scare we will be going to Halloween Horror Nights this year. As of right now we have decided that we are going on Oct 22nd, which is a Friday. Ticket prices are $49.99 with a coke can/FL discount and we have booked a room at the Doubletree Orlando - Universal Studios, which according to Danny is really really close to the park, as in we should be able to walk. We picked Friday because it was decently cheaper then going on Saturday and figured we could just leave after work and get there right on time. Come on folks make it happen!

Nick D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Obama Strikes Again

We run everything through our credit card. We use a rewards card and pay the balance off each month. This has worked out great for us for years. We've maintained the same account with Citi for this entire time (at first because they used to have a pretty good rewards program, now it's mainly that the system is in place and is working).

Well thanks to Obama's incessant need to protect me from the big bad business, congress passed the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009. In response to this, Citi decided to raise the interest rate on our card. That's fine in theory, like I said we don't carry a balance. Apparently, though, consumers have to "opt-in" to any rate increases otherwise the account is allowed to expire.

Citi notified us about our rate increase, as I would come to find out, by mail a while back. We most likely thought it was one of the myriad of credit card offers that we get and promptly shredded it thereby "opting-out" of our interest rate increase.

Ignorant of all this, I called Citi today to ask about our replacement cards since our current cards are expiring soon. I was greeted by a nice enough man with a thick Indian accent who was happy to help me with my inquiry. After a few minutes of being on hold he returned and explained the above to me. Not wanting to go through the hassle of setting up a new account, I asked if we could now "opt-in". He couldn't do that for us so I went up the management-chain. After a few more minutes on hold, I got an account manager who was able to get us squared away. Clearly, Citi was not willing to lose a long-time customer in good standing.

So the end result is that everything is fine in spite of Obama trying his best to protect me, a.k.a. inconvenience me. If I wouldn't have called today we would have been in for a major inconvenience come October. FML.

No predictions this year?

Come on Nick, let us know about those noles. Drew, let us know who colgate plays.

UF over UT 28-14

Monday, September 13, 2010

And Then There Were Three

You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself, as a one man wolf pack. Though when I met Jenny I knew she was one of my own. And my wolf pack, it grew by one. So there was two of us in the wolf pack, I was alone first in the pack and then Jenny joined later. And twelve weeks ago when Jenny introduced me to it, I thought "wait a second could it be?" and now I know for sure I just added one more person to my wolf pack. Three of us wolves running around the desert together in Tucson, looking for diapers and formula. So tonight, I make a toast!

PS: Hold off on any mentions on Facebook for a week or so as Jen hasn't informed her work yet.

Friday, September 10, 2010

[L] FDIC closes Horizon Bank

Ole, what does this mean for your mom and step dad?

Zinna got knocked the fuck out!

A couple of days ago Rory sent me a video text flicking me off, this is my rebuttal.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Is anyone going to Gainesville for the game?

Monday, September 06, 2010

For those of you with "fancy" phones...

Finished My Attic Fan

Also put my photos together into this installation video...

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Real Deal

Happy Bday old man river.....

Saturday, September 04, 2010

AZ Governor, doh!

No, your speakers are not broken. That, my friend, is dead air.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sign of our generation

Is it weird that I laugh when I see a man get his head kicked off backwards? Two gay gentleman sitting next to me at the movies were a bit put off by the fact I kept laughing during "The Expendables." Cristina thought it was funny too. I got to thinking what a person from the 1950's would say if he saw one of our modern movies. I think I am just way too desensitized to violence.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Another one down

I passed my Series 66 this morning! I am done with all my national licensing exams now! Off to St. Louis next week for training!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Greatest Endorsement for Candidate

There is not much more that needs to be said. My confidence is moving up every time I see this endorsement.

10 yr Reunion

Just want to see if anybody plans on going to any of the events? It is happening sometime in October and I keep getting messages about it and wanted to see if anybody planned on going? If others are in I would probably go to at least either the Friday night or Saturday night activities let me know your thoughts.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


While taking part in my favorite weekend past-time (giving things away on craigslist), one of my would-be recipients sent me a text message that they would be late. *GULP* Now my stance on text messaging is well documented on this blog, and it was not this person's fault since they couldn't know that I did not carry text messaging on my phone. (If you are wondering I did not demand a quarter from them, I restrained myself)

I decided then and there that it was Verizon's fault that this random stranger could unknowingly cost me money via a few thumb-strokes; it was finally time for battle. I began seething in anticipation of reaming out their customer support while I demanded texting to be blocked on my phone. Having tried to cross this bridge unsuccessfully in the past, I was preparing myself mentally for a long drawn out convo full of asking for managers and throwing around whoppers like "long-standing customer" and "I'll cancel my line".

Having properly fueled up with a belly full of Panda, I phoned customer support. As an aside, has anybody ever called a customer support line and not received the "We are experiencing heavier than normal call volume" message? At some point the heavier than normal becomes normal, no? But I digress. My call was answered (in the order it was received), by Kristen.

Kristen came on the other end of the line with a cheery attitude and a friendly greeting that led me to believe she was either really good at her job, or at the start of her shift. Either way, I felt like Kristen can and would be helping me today.

After failing to identify myself via some "phone password" numerous times, I eventually managed to scrounge up enough random information to make Kristen believe I was me. She maintained her cheery attitude throughout this charade and so I was quick to pounce before her mood changed.

I launched into it, "I would like to block all text messages on my phone." I braced myself, ready for the disappointed. But alas it did not come! Without hesitation came, "I would be happy to help you with that today, do you mind me asking you why you would like to block text messages?" I was home free! I refrained from explaining to Kristen my true thoughts on text messaging as she no doubt could care less. Instead I simply said that I did not want them.

I'm not sure what changed (maybe more crazies like myself complaining), but when we last tried this it was "impossible". Now, a few magical keystrokes later, I am officially (and happily) off the texting grid. Thank you Kristen!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Saturday - Bradenton (Area) Folk

Hey just curious to see if anybody wanted to come up to our place Saturday afternoon. Figured maybe come up in the afternoon have a few drinks and some snacks at my place for a while then maybe go out and have some fun in South Tampa. Let me know what you guys think or if anybody is interested.

"Feel the rhythm feel the rhyme get on's bobsled time"

Nick D

Monday, August 16, 2010

Veterinarians in Auburn

Alex this could have been you. And easily a top 5 worst political spot of 2010.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Following the Trend

Well folks me and Irene have followed in the footsteps of Logan and Aman-duh and gotten a dog. He is currently a 12 week old male boxer puppy who seems pretty relaxed to this point. I do not plan on sleeping much in the next week, but check him out. We ended up naming him Bernie Lomax from spawned from Weekend at Bernies. Check out the dude below. You guys need to bring you puppies up sometime soon and we can do a BBQ and chill.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Texas Style Truck {L}

This is what I am talking about I have a feeling they may sell a few of these in the south.

"Why would I want a gun rack? I don't even own a gun none the less many guns that would necessitate a rack"

Nick D > Rory < Logan = Jae 1/2 Alex = 1.5 ( Eric\Christina) = Amanda

1 down, 2 to go

I passed my Series 7 today. Series 66 and insurance to go.

Best Movie Ever?

What happens when you combine the two best movies ever?! THIS HAPPENS!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 09, 2010


Wasn't your birthday this weekend? If so, Happy Belated. We had a party for you at Alex's yesterday. You didnt show though.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Fantasy Football

In lighter non (B&E) news if anybody wants to play a little bit of fantasy football the info is below. I am not doing it for money, but something far more precious,bragging rights. Plus it gives everybody the chance to beat the ever living sh*t out of Rory which is something we all dream about doing on a nightly basis. Hope to see you all there for a fun season of trash talking and competitive banter.

Nick to the D

League: American Football
ID: 178209

Password: football

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Josh wakes up to find intruder in his bedroom(answers in the form of machete)

2:35 Is very early in the morning, and I am a man who enjoys his sleep. They say pets develop traits of their owners and my dog enjoys the soft tap of the snooze button as much as I. So when my dog decides to go apeshit crazy like an amalgamation of bacon chicken and puperoni fairy all rolled into one is at the front door, I decide to take notice. On first inspection the house appeared normal all doors locked and dead bolted all exterior lights shining bright, but my dog is not one to cry wolf so I made a pit stop to my offices repository of garden tools and baseball bats and selected my yard axe and my 27" aluminum bat as worthy plan B's and returned to bed.

2:51 Is even earlier into the morning or later in the evening depending on which shift of humanity you belong. The bacon-chicken-puperoni fairy appears to be making his encore performance, so I again start to rise, but this time I reach under the bed and my hand finds the handle of my yard axe. I am in the process of removing the comforter when a gentleman with a shaved head and arm sleeves enters the room. Now many phrases come to one's mind, full of eloquence and class, but my tongue settled on "Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" The invader now startled, having forgone the electronic riches of my living room, decides a handful of women's clothing and my work shoes will make this b&e worth the risk. Yard Axe in hand I pursue the thief into my hallway, noticing that my machete wielding likeness has startled the intruder into dropping his cell phone. Spoils of battle left behind. The pursuit leads to my front door where I notice the thief is without shoes, aside from the ones in his hand. I demand he drop everything and he complies, again as a reminder I have a yard axe in hand and have been twice disturbed from restful slumber, I no happy. Cristina forms the reserves armed with heavy firepower in case my forward assault ends badly, but as many a tree limb will attest, I am a force to be reckoned with when wielding a machete. Would be burglar successfully run off, I take inventory. One thief's cell phone, one thief's pair of shoes and a giant surge of adrenaline later, I phone the police. Point of entry was my front window popped from its latch, but as I write this the intended target of the break in was unknown.

3:02 Police arrive in force and use the recovered cell phone to obtain the identity of the intruder, he will not be called thief, because he did not successfully rob me of any tangible item aside from precious sleep. Last night was Tampa's Police Night Out, a special tour de force where police patrols were especially heavy for reference. Police officers determine that the man who entered my home was a south Tampa resident, specifically living a few blocks away.

3:15 Police determine that I am in possession of the coolest cat ever and proceed to entertain said cat with a laser pointer to distract her while they gather finger prints. TPD was amazing in their wee hour efforts.

4:15 Police have captured the suspect and take me for a drive by ID'ing.

4:30 Coffee maker purrs to life with the realization that a distant morning sun is no longer some far off instant in time, but a very real and disturbing truth. My bed will go wanting for the rest of the evening.

6:00 As a cruel reminder of the sleep not slept my alarm clock sounds.

[L] And this is different than Greece how...?

It's a wonder the dollar hasn't gone to zero already. Is it November yet?

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Free Dive

For those on the boat this is that free dive video I was talking about...

Monday, August 02, 2010

Woman wakes up to find intruder in her bed

Colt McCoy's wedding song (L)

The whole song is actually pretty funny but make sure you watch the part about 1:40.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

In the end we will win

Thursday, July 29, 2010

[L] - New Kindle Models, $139

Sorry Jae... new form factor, better screen, $10 less than woot. I'm tempted. I might get one for the Vegas flight.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

[L] Travel Zoo Deal for Vegas

We're thinking about this deal for Vegas, looking for input from anyone else who is planning on going.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

another attic project

not sure what it is about the tucson summers that gets me into the attic, but i started another project today...

this time i'm thinking of putting in a solar attic fan (this is the one they sell at lowes : lowes - mftr)

i crawled up there today and took some initial measurements, the existing gable extended back into the attic too much so i needed to buy some 2x4s to frame out the gable by another level of 2x4s. this was a few hours of work mainly of me figuring out not to cut 2x4s with a plywood blade on my circular saw. i also had a great idea to pre-nail the boards before crawling back up into the attic with them. only had to make one minor mod in the cramped attic and that was a notch i had to cut in one of the board due to a 2x4 that i didn't take note of.

then i took some more measurements for the plywood backing that will seal up the gable except for the hole for the fan thus forcing the air out from the attic. i spent the rest of the afternoon measuring this out and getting it cut. i figured out the right and wrong way to try and cut a straight line w/ a circular saw, luckily more right than wrong. i still need to do a few more cuts, namely i don't have a jig saw so can't cut the circle and a small notch.

that's where i got today, will post again when i get to work on this again.

So I got a puppy!

Adam in Vermont

As some of you may know it has been rather hot up North on and off over the last month. Well Dr. Fasoli's new house does not contain A/C and I think this picture would have been a good
idea for you Adam.

Picture provided by Pam D

Outdoors: Always be ready to adjust when fishing - Fishing/Boating -

Outdoors: Always be ready to adjust when fishing - Fishing/Boating -

Monday, July 19, 2010

Free Redbox Rental

You can get a free dvd rental by entering the promo code "dvdonme" at a redbox kiosk. As far as I know it's only good for today and I know it works because I just used it!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Eric's Game System on Crack

Saw this and thought this was pretty ingenious. Eric you should consider revamping your system to house this addition.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

[L] Electric Motorcycle

not some gimmicky expensive one-off bike, and not some hobbyist bike, but an honest to goodness production bike with a decent range, decent price, and sweet style. me likey. seriously considering this one.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No Moose, one otter and several hockey fans eh

I got off a plane in the land of our friendly neighbors to the north in a town called Toronto, and I was immediately greeted by a chorus of hey buddy your bags are on carousel nine. I made my way into a shuttle that would take me to the Marriott in downtown where I would meet up with Cristina and have a much deserved beer, but little did I know said beer, of all the fine beers produced by Canadian hands, would be a Labatte. It is bud lights retarded little cousin, it is friendly, but you still have to cover the light sockets when he comes to visit. I drank tequila shots from then on, Mexico and Canada are both our neighbors who cares if I currently resided in the wrong cardinal direction. Hazy as the night had become my two female companions brought my attention to the fact that the women in this place had all been born with extra equipment, and that the man with the dog collar offering to buy me drinks was in fact interested in entertainment I wanted no part of. I decided my liver had been properly exercised making up for the 7 hour delay in Houston, I had better call it a night before someone decided to climb everest. Morning came all too quickly and I had a rental car waiting for us, destination Niagra Falls. I was informed that the bar from last night was a last minute substitution for a bring your own bud comedy club; easiest job in the world has to be comedian for a bunch of stoned canadians. The drive to niagra was interupted by a stop at a Canadian mcdonalds because they always have the weirdest food am this trip was no exception; Thai peanut chicken sandwiches on mini toasted French bread loafs, perfect. We made are way to the falls staying 20 floors above the natural wonder in a suite featuring a jacuzzi. My couch needs to be replaced by a jacuzzi and Mr. Bubble. The shock of the falls is that next to a one of a kind miracle of nature is the most dissapp
ointing city. It is a caricature of what people think Americans want and need; Applebees, tgi Fridays, and every other chain restaurant known to man. Set in the center of this jewel is the skylon tower a restaurant featuring $60 plates of mediocre. The view trumped it, but we needed to see an idealic Canadian town, and niagra on the lake fit the bill. Vinyards and gardens nestled amongst the mountains, paradise with mulleted townsfolk. After a trip to a winery and several glasses of wine later, it was helicopter time. Flights over falls are awesome. The night ended with a Canadian who looked like art garfunkels older brother, but sounded like Bon Jovi. It was a good trip!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Drink it, you assholes!

What's the matter Nick...

...too heartbroken to post anything on the blog about your man-crush? I hope you haven't turned all "woman-scorned" and started burning jerseys. I don't know why this was such a shock to cavs fans, let me think... Skyline chili... or South beach thongs. I guess it's back to oblivion for Cleveland, huh?

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

[L] Crackdown 2

Red dead is great and all but it mainly shines in single-player mode. As some of us experienced this past weekend the new "co-op" missions are total crap (when they even work).

Crackdown 2 is where it's at.. designed from the ground-up as a four player co-op game.

Just so you all know

I think most of you remember Mandy's boyfriend Will Archer from Adam's wedding. Well he popped the question and they are now engaged. Wedding will be next year sometime.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Bringing me waaaay back

A few smash bros. glitches

Thursday, July 01, 2010


I know there are some SYTYCD fans on here... how about that last routine? Nappytabs killin' it! Crazy good, but I don't know how fair it is since Alex is pretty much a pro. It was nice to see Twitch gettin' back in the game though.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

For those who haven't heard

I am no longer getting married. I called it off last week... the more I thought about it I just didn't think we were right for each other. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to comment or anything, I'm doing okay... I just wanted to make sure you all knew.

Monday, June 28, 2010

According to the weather channel. "Alex is slowly strengthening over the Bay of Campeche"

Is this some new work out Alex or is this some new type of sexual act that I need to know about?

Yes it is a Monday morning and I was a little bored at work......

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Something to do

I want everyone to google search "get the greatest blog" and scroll down to the 9th entry... we rock.

America...F Yeah!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vegas this Fall!

Jae and I are going to Vegas this fall since Southwest is having a great deal on flights right now...if anyone is interested and has a particular weekend in mind, give us a reply. We are pretty flexible, but October or November would be best (weather-wise and time-wise).

Viva Las Vegas!!!

[L] US Advances

Well we squeaked through in Cinderella fashion but my heart can't take much more.

After watching the past two games I have come to realize why it has taken soccer so long to gain momentum in the states.

It boils down the that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when a single call by the referee totally changes the outcome of the game. And I'm not talking just about losing momentum; I'm talking about turning a W into an L.

Soccer fans worldwide seem to covet this experience as "part of the game" and we Americans just don't understand the emotional aspect of the sport, but it seems to me that refs should be there only to enforce the rules of the game as objectively as possible. And in a day and age when technology is so ubiquitous, why not use everything at hand to make this possible?

It is an insurmountable task for one man make every right and wrong call in such a fast-moving and subtle sport. But we should just swallow that lump in our throats and throw it up "part of the game" when another one almost slips through our fingers?

[L] Britain Unveils Emergency Budget

A step in the right direction for a country where half of the jobs are on the public payroll. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a little jealous that England has the cojones to pull the trigger on this and our politicians don't...

I also find it funny that this came right after Obama was telling all the other G20 countries not to go crazy trying to bring down their deficits too fast. Since, you know, we're the ones who should be doling out financial advice.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Adam Explains the Banned Mythbusters Episode (Crazy)

The Oatmeal

For those of you who have enjoyed checking out The Oatmeal.

Definitely not what I had pictured for the guy, 4.5 million hits per month though!

3D you say Eric? (L)

My Dad just got the TV in that link. It's really pretty cool. I can't wait to see some soccer in 3d

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wine in a plastic "glass" (L)

Wish I would have thought of this!

Monday, June 14, 2010

[L] Thoughts?

A new 360 and the new Kinect, anyone tempted enough to upgrade?

Website Suggestions

Hey guys I have a question for you and I am not sure if I have asked this before, if so sorry just deal with it and answer again. So Irene is looking to get a website up and running to try and help promote her side business of designing wedding dresses. Now in terms of functionality it does not right now need to be a full blown business website. For her the most important thing would be to display and protect her portfolios/pictures and perhaps have the ability to have a little bit of freedom within the pages to try and be creative. She also needs the ability to have a section describing her background and tell potential clients what she can do for them. Also, since she is not trying to go all out on this right now cost is obviously a concern.

Just curious to see if you guys have came across anything or might have any suggestions..thanks for your help.

We also plan to have a section dedicated to making fun of that should help.

Nick D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jewish Movie Mogul {L}

If that article is accurate I am definitely going to see it because Ben Stiller is awesome and this character was hilarious. It would actually bring Tom Cruise up a couple of notches in my book.

Nick D > Rory

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ixtoc (L)

Gulf Oil spill is tiny compared to the Ixtoc spill. Pretty interesting article.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

In the spirit

Most of you already know, some of you don't but I gave notice where I work. I did it today, so its OK to make it Blog official now.

I'll be starting with Edward Jones on July 6th as a Financial Advisor. I'll be doing a lot of training and studying to get licensed. I'll be officially licensed in October. So be expecting a call from me about November! ;)

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Hey Guys...Remember Me?

Classy! (Link)

Rory, hopefully you get to prosecute

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

[L] Meyer's Health Problem Diagnosed

I'm glad we didn't end up losing him over something that is easily treatable with medication.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I figured that this is the best way to tell everyone this. On Thursday morning I put my 2 weeks notice in at my job. June 11th will be my last day at my current job. Essentially promises were made and they were not kept. Not 100% sure what I am doing next but I will figure it out. Kind of scary to leave a job with no job but I think it was the right thing to do. I will of course let everyone know what my next move is. I hope everyone is enjoying their memorial day.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Another move

Well with Nick posting his news of moving, I figured I would post my latest news. I am now a Vermonter! I'm not moving from Boston for another few weeks but we had to get Allie a car and there was no sense registering it in Mass. Therefore we drove up to VT and got all the cars registered. For those who haven't heard, I am graduating school in a few weeks and starting work with a small group in Middlebury. It is great to be going back to Allie and my alma mater and I am excited to finally make some money! I hope that some of you can make a visit someday!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Moving (literally) On

Well as some of you may know I went on a job interview in Tampa and as of today I officially accepted the job. I tried my hand in sales in a tough market and it was not going great so I started looking elsewhere when this job came out of nowhere. It all happened pretty quick I went on the interview last week and got the job offer yesterday. I will be going to Tallahassee beginning of June for a couple of months of training then after our lease is up July 31st will be moving to Tampa as they just opened a office there. It is a insurance company named Star and Shield specializing in selling insurance to first responders (Fire rescue, Police and EMT). There is some risk involved as this company is still young, but they have been very successful and are ran by people with tons of insurance experience and have some great financial backing from some well respected insurance companies. If things continue as planned it will allow me to be on the ground floor of a company that is looking to be a multi state company in the next year or two with huge growth potential.

Also, good news is Irene already has a job interview at Nieman Marcus, but if that does not workout she will probably just find a 9-5 someplace and really concentrate on being a independent bridal designer. She will also still probably still do some designing and consulting work for the boutique here in Charleston as the dress she designed for them has been selling really well. So if you know anybody who wants a chance at a custom made wedding gown on the cheap don't be afraid to ask ( hint hint Amanda haha no pressure for real)

So there ya go ladies and gentlemen I will be seeing most of you a lot more frequently, which is awesome and will be able to fly out to the North (or West) much easier now. Peace out.

Nick to the D

PS Rory I am working on letting you move up to Tampa and live with me and Irene..stay tuned....


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[L] Chalk one up for fiscal conservatism

Rand Paul wins KY. primary. Woohoo.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Christina and I would like to get everyone together Memorial Day Weekend for a cookout. The current plan is to have it on Sunday the 30th. Leave a comment if you'll be in town, let me know if you're interested. Homebrew, arcade, lawn games and food for all.

Friday, May 14, 2010

[L] Portal is free!

2007 game of the year and one of my all-time personal favorites, Portal, is available for free until May 24th. If you haven't played this game, you owe it to yourself to download it and check it out. It's quite challenging, funny, and overall not very long, so you won't blow too much time on it. Check out the 'instructional' video after you click the big red 'get Portal now' button.

The cake is a lie.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Italy Pics

We boiled our over 500 pics down to these 152...

Saturday, May 08, 2010

New Game

Hey guys,
So I saw a trailer for Red Dead Redemption. Any thoughts? I am definitely a western fan and it looks cool. Not sure what the multiplayer will be like. Let me know what you think.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Return of Personal Websites? was taking a vote today for the best 'personal landing page' and while going through the comments I noticed was getting the majority of the votes. Curious, I checked it out and I was impressed with what I found. They provide a single page, customizable with a very simple (limited) interface, that essentially aggregates your social networking and media accounts into a central hub for people to access everything 'you'. I think this would be pretty cool to throw onto a business card. Check out my new page at

Back for a bit

Hey all,

I'm back home for a week. Just flew back in from Whidbey Island (where is was like 50) to Tucson (where it was like 90), ugh. Going to try and get some pics posted from Italy in this upcoming week.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Since its been slow....

I thought you guys might be interested in this. This company uses satellite, and infrared imagery to predict hotspots for fishing. They are working to help with the oil spill.

You can see the past pictures and what not as well.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Out with the old...

So after years of owning a desktop, I finally got sick of having to deal with that giant mess. Since I am graduating from school in about a month, Allie and I are moving up to VT and I didn't really feel like dealing with moving the desktop. After looking at different options and really thinking about what I use my computer for, I decided I really do nothing more than surf the web. So... I bought a cheapo netbook: Acer Aspire One D250. It is actually really cool and I like it a lot so far. It only has 1GB of RAM but it does have a nice 250GB hard drive. Surprisingly it has almost the exact specs of my desktop.

The shitty part is that it came loaded with Windows 7 Starter. For those not familiar with Starter, it blows ass. It is so stripped down it doesn't even allow you to change your background image! And to update Windows, it is at cheapest $70. Seeing as the netbook only cost $280, that is ridiculous. So I am now officially operating on Linux. It isn't as weird as I thought it was going to be. The only down side is that I can't get Skype to work. Oh well. Anyway, thought some of you computer guys would be interested. Any thoughts on improving Ubuntu, let me know.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Impressive Feet {L}

What's up people?? The blog has been quiet so I figured I would post this amazing accomplishment by this intoxicated gentlemen.

Yo Btown people I will be down for Memorial Day weekend hopefully everybody will be around.

Nick D > Rory

Friday, April 16, 2010

Hand Turkey

Since I am stuck and bored in the Dallas airport I have a few minutes to post. The blog has become pretty political as of late and I would like to offer a warning on hitching your star to the tea party movement. The movement has been hijacked by crazies, not your run of the mill crazies, but tin foil hats, minorities are the enemy crazies. I for one enjoy ethnic food, but I have only myself to blame when Indian food goes bad. If Palin is your banner carrier you have issues. IPhone tried to change palin to palindrome; note palin spelled backwards is alaskan beauty queen with no business in politics. In Alaska sometimes a walrus places in the beauty pageant, so winning is like being the prettiest girl in the burn ward. I was by the four seasons yesterday and both ex-president Bushes were hanging out with the king of Jordan, or so the bartender told me. It explains why there were secret service people locking down the taco diner.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

[L] Tea Party Poll Results

A good read on a recent poll regarding the Tea Party movement. I found it pretty interesting.


I remember Alex says you were coming to town soon. When is that?

Who is Peter Schiff?

Pass along to anyone you know in CT.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Moose is getting a cousin!

Meet Chandler Bing! He's a 5 week old rat terrier that we are tentatively bringing home on April 30th. We anticipate (and if our research is any indication, we should be correct) he'll be like Moose, only not quite as ON and better suited for apartment living. I sure hope he doesn't tear the place up... but something tells me with a face like that he'll probably get away with a lot... the lil' Bingaling!

Happy Birthday Twins!

Hope you both have equally fun and exciting days! :) - Daredevil to Plunge From Outer Space in Supersonic Suit - Daredevil to Plunge From Outer Space in Supersonic Suit

Posted using ShareThis

Thursday, April 08, 2010


Happy Birthday Mini-guinnea!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Hydraulics FTW

Happy Easter Everybody

Hope the easter bunny brought you lot's of candy to enjoy!

Friday, April 02, 2010

Another Idiot on Capitol Hill

Just to let y'all know who is making decisions for the US of A. Pay attention at 1:16 into the video.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Back to the Bay

As of 5pm tomorrow I will be returning to Tampa permanently. I have learned that they have magic hat on draft in said area and the oppurtunity is too good to pass up.