Thursday, December 02, 2010

Show us your tree!

and the obligatory picture of Moose...

Post some links to you pictures in the comments! Happy Holidays!


Logan said...

I see you are getting some use out of that slr

Jae said...

great picture of moose, love the tree slightly out of focus in the background, makes the lights look awesome.

we are treeless this year since we will be heading to fl. we will live vicariously through your pictures.

Amanda said...

Our tree isn't decorated yet, but I think you'll have to take a picture of it when it's done Eric - since your camera is so awesome.

Post the pic you took of Chandler! He's cute too! :)

Jae said...

who is chandler?

Amanda said...

You serious? Chandler's my dog!

Nick D said...

She abducted Mathew Perry

Jae said...

my bad, looking through the old posts i see his 5 wk old picture. i love the internet, it has completely replaced my memory.