Sunday, August 22, 2010


While taking part in my favorite weekend past-time (giving things away on craigslist), one of my would-be recipients sent me a text message that they would be late. *GULP* Now my stance on text messaging is well documented on this blog, and it was not this person's fault since they couldn't know that I did not carry text messaging on my phone. (If you are wondering I did not demand a quarter from them, I restrained myself)

I decided then and there that it was Verizon's fault that this random stranger could unknowingly cost me money via a few thumb-strokes; it was finally time for battle. I began seething in anticipation of reaming out their customer support while I demanded texting to be blocked on my phone. Having tried to cross this bridge unsuccessfully in the past, I was preparing myself mentally for a long drawn out convo full of asking for managers and throwing around whoppers like "long-standing customer" and "I'll cancel my line".

Having properly fueled up with a belly full of Panda, I phoned customer support. As an aside, has anybody ever called a customer support line and not received the "We are experiencing heavier than normal call volume" message? At some point the heavier than normal becomes normal, no? But I digress. My call was answered (in the order it was received), by Kristen.

Kristen came on the other end of the line with a cheery attitude and a friendly greeting that led me to believe she was either really good at her job, or at the start of her shift. Either way, I felt like Kristen can and would be helping me today.

After failing to identify myself via some "phone password" numerous times, I eventually managed to scrounge up enough random information to make Kristen believe I was me. She maintained her cheery attitude throughout this charade and so I was quick to pounce before her mood changed.

I launched into it, "I would like to block all text messages on my phone." I braced myself, ready for the disappointed. But alas it did not come! Without hesitation came, "I would be happy to help you with that today, do you mind me asking you why you would like to block text messages?" I was home free! I refrained from explaining to Kristen my true thoughts on text messaging as she no doubt could care less. Instead I simply said that I did not want them.

I'm not sure what changed (maybe more crazies like myself complaining), but when we last tried this it was "impossible". Now, a few magical keystrokes later, I am officially (and happily) off the texting grid. Thank you Kristen!


Nick D said...

Haha great story J. Sometimes the power companies that be do care about the average Joe.

Congrats man..

Eric said...

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's just an option now. My boss has the same opinion as you regarding text messages, and also has texting blocked on his phone. He's had it that way since he was on Alltel; maybe Verizon adopted that policy when they bought Alltel?

Adam said...

The fact that you were able to call customer service and get what you need is a miracle in itself. I am impressed. I am still on my parents' plan, as the Verizon in Middlebury found it too daunting to allow me to keep my number and start my own plan. Then I decided it was stupid to pay more for my independence. Easier to just pay my part of the bill at home.