Thursday, July 15, 2010

[L] Electric Motorcycle

not some gimmicky expensive one-off bike, and not some hobbyist bike, but an honest to goodness production bike with a decent range, decent price, and sweet style. me likey. seriously considering this one.


Nick D said...

Wow a electric vehicle that is reasonable priced and fairly practical. The 100 mile range is not bad if you plan on just owning it to do some joy riding. However, I wonder what the cost would be to consistently charge it compared to the cost of gas??

Jae said...

that's a good point and obviously depends on where you live and how you get your energy. as with any of these early-adopter type technologies, though, you can't really be too price sensitive.

Adam said...

Yeah it isn't like a motorcycle uses a huge amount of fuel either, but it is good to see people trying. Plus I like to rub it in the faces of those enviro-freaks that your electric vehicle is technically powered by coal, as most people in the US get their electricity from coal plants.

Josh said...

I am waiting for Honda to release their electric bike in the near future. I saw some of the one offs on the isle of man not ready for prime time.

Eric said...

I saw an article about this same bike on engadget this morning and almost posted it too.