Well it is hear the annual game between FSU and FU. Lately it has not been much of a game as UF has pretty much clocked us the last couple of years. This year it will definitely be a different story, not saying FSU will dominate, but I think this game will come down to which team shows up. I think FSU is better on offense and special teams, defense might be a push, but the Gators certainly hold the mental edge which is huge. This game would be to the Gators what it used to be for FSU a way to end a dismal season on a high note. For FSU a win over UF would make this our best since since 2005 and maybe even 2003 (if Maryland beats NC State and we go to the ACCCG.)
Either way UF offense has mostly been shutdown by good defenses, but I don't think FSU is on that level so I expect a close game. I do think FSU will pull this out and defeat the Gators for the first time in forever. This could be a great year for first year head coach Jimbo Fisher....defeating UF and Miami in one year...
Bottom line is F the Gators and I hope you get a taste of defeat and a mediocre bowl season with no answer in sight for next year. Maybe you guys can rotate 4 players in at QB??? Think that might help.
PS Good luck Alex hope you win let the trash talking begin!!
More thoughts I think this game will be decided by 10 pts or less and I am just hoping it is in FSU's favor. We are due come on!!!!!
amanda, green isn't a good color on you ;).
i am obviously concerned about our team. but is it bad that i don't care about the outcome of this weekend's game? obviously i want a win, but for me fsu-uf has left a lot to be desired for quite some time now. maybe now that our team is on the decline and yours is on the rise, we can enjoy a few years where we meet in the middle. but none of us really want that. we want national championships on the line, we want one of our teams to come in #1 so that the other can crush dreams. we want true bragging rights. my hope is that we can turn our ship around quick enough to both return to the top and make this rivalry what it once was.
oh and fuck miami.
Living in Jax as an FSU alum is no easy task. The Gator population here is enormous, and I'm assuming it is because to the hicks from Gainesville, Jax is a 'big gosh darn city, man.' For the sake of my sanity and avoiding the inevitable assualt charge should UF win...I hope FSU pulls it out.
Having said that...I think it is our year...finally:)
Jae I bet if you lived in Florida and had to see the opposing fans on a daily basis it would mean a little more. I can tell you from experience when FSU was getting crushed by UF and I lived out of state it was a lot easier to be like whatever, nobody around me really cares.
To your point though it would be great for us to both be top 10 teams like it used to be. However, FSU does appear to be heading in the right direction, but I am not ready to say anything yet.
Also, you UF fans who call us jealous or happy you are losing...correct and correct. It is tough to watch your rival win and when the stop it is fun to watch them stop winning.
I guess I will try to be an unbiased view in this fight.
FSU looks much better than previous years, but they still make a lot of mistakes: receivers drop balls, quarterbacks fumble handoffs, and offensive coaches do not use runningbacks. Also, the ACC seems bad this year.
On the other hand, UF has LOADS of talent, but plays offense like a Boise State opponent. Addazio is a moron, and Meyer looks one step closer to a heart attack everyday. To be fair, the ACC looks bad, but so does the SEC East.
My prediction is that UF wins because their defense will score off Ponder's mistakes. Even though, I am hoping FSU wins so the rivalry will become what it once was.
Hopefully, we can all rejoice in an Auburn victory on Friday. I am going to enjoy the success we are having right now, since we all know it won't last.
Burt Reed > Nick
Well said Alex I agree I am just hoping we limit those mistakes so we can get the win. FSU motto for this game should be two run plays for ever one pass play.
You know I hate Bert Reed...low blow man. However, if he has a game winning catch against UF...well that would be two weeks in a row for him and off of my shit list.
Haha, bitter much Amanda? This is a "friendly" blog, or at least so I thought. To be honest I don't think the Gators are gonna win. But then you get comments from certain asinine fans which makes me want to unleash the asshole in me. But I won't. Good luck Nick and Bryan...but I hope you lose, haha. A Gator victory will be a great way to salvage this season on some level!
Does seem like Amanda has some pent up frustration haha...
Cue Amanda's bias, irrational, and ridiculous rant. Amanda, if you can do it 5 more years in a row then we can talk.
best team in the state baby......best yr for fsu since 2003. I love it jimbo go noles. To gator fans you should make that reed ur qb next yr he looks legit.
1) A person who is influenced by a bias is biased. The latter is the word you were looking for.
2) I already saw that line on your facebook. Won't make me enjoy tonight any less.
3) I deleted my previous comment in light of your friendly remark, because I was kidding around and not trying to spark any huge arguments. Thanks for being a hypocrite though, and adding a couple more insults to the already distasteful "asinine".
those are a lot of deleted comments...
tonight's game was lame and i'm glad your seniors got a victory against the gators, but they weren't playing a true gators team. we are a joke this year and should be ashamed of how far we have fallen so fast. urban needs to make a change on offense and pronto.
Your welcome Amanda! Thanks for pointing out my grammatical error. It's rare but it happens. Like an FSU victory!
Yeah sorry about that Jae, my computer was being weird. And I definitely agree that the game was very "twilight zone" and one-sided.
Rory... y-o-u-r means your; you're means you are. Here's an example: you're a d-bag.
Haha. Once again, thanks Amanda. By the way, check the blog history. Specifically November each year. Let me know how much rude and ridiculous comments I have made (minus the friendly jabs with Nick) and compare that to you deleted diatribe about Gator fans. Thanks. Please let me know if I have made any spelling errors here, I'd appreciate it.
Sincerely, d-bag.
... Once again, I deleted it because you clearly went off the deep end and failed to realize that I was goofing around. Don't really think it warranted a personal attack, but to each their own. I'm not going to rehash years of bickering over this, especially since you can never seem to take me for anything less than a psycho. Please leave me alone now.
Amanda > Rory
I went off the deep end? Haha, I'm pretty sure my head has been consistently above water here. For what it's worth Amanda, I'm not the only one who thought what you write was a little much. I seem to remember getting ridiculous texts from you after the Alabama game (out of the blue). Was that in response to my harrassment of you after your Oklahoma loss? Oh wait I didn't do that. In fact I don't think I did anything all year that you so eloquently wrote that us typical redneck Gator fans do. Hmm oh well.
If you dish it, you should be able to take it. Now leave men alone, please ;)
To other Nole fans here, that was a solid win. Our program looks disgusting right now, but a win's a win. Hopefully Urban can pump some life back into the program next year. Jordan Reed looks to be the future at UF. Good luck in the ACC championship, I hope you guys loss by 30. Haha.
Please disregard any spelling and/or grammatical errors that I may have above. It's early. And I don't give a shit.
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