Monday, December 13, 2010

[L] This is for You Nick

I'm not able to embed the video, but hopefully this will take you to it... I almost peed.

(not really, but still... hilarious)


Eric said...

I had a feeling it was going to be this video before I clicked the link. This was on Tosh.0 last season, maybe even 2 seasons ago. Very funny, I had to rewind it and watch it again the first time I saw it.

Leighton said...

haha...awesome! "Our main export is crippling depression"...bwahaha

Adam said...

Haha, Bryan, that was what I was going to quote! Great mind think alike. Oh, have you watched any of the new Top Gear? Nice little section on the EVO. I want one.

Leighton said... of my biggest regrets was never being able to drive my Evo in the snow. Man, I miss that car.

Adam said...

We have had a ton of snow and I am so tempted to go to the dealership. My Outlander does great in the snow but I would love to have the power that the Evo has. Either way it is a pipe dream because Allie would kill me if I bought a car now. Maybe in a few years...

Nick D said...

Haha pretty funny. Thank god I don't live up in the rust belt.