Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Hey Guys...Remember Me?


Logan said...

LOL, Nick D! Can't believe I was friends with someone who looked like that!!!

Jae said...

killin it w/ the glasses. please let me know if old pictures are going to start popping up so that i can start digging a hold to bury my head.

Nick D said...

Haha where the hell did you get that???

Wow no wonder I never got any girls until I got contacts and cut my hair....

PS Got to love the 90's long hair

Leighton said...

haha...is that a mugshot or a yearbook picture?!

Adam said...

Definitely a mug shot. It was cropped above the numbers to be nice I'm sure. Nice post Rory.

Nick D said...

Apparently that was the picture taken of me on my 15th bday when I got my permit...

Andrew said...

So long as my yearbook picture from 1st grade never shows up that would be great.

Rory said...

Rory 1, Nick 0